
running yii2 web application on swoole server

1.0.2 2019-05-20 09:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-30 02:02:48 UTC


Running Yii2 application on Swoole Environment.

This extension based on Component-Driven development.

There is no side effects to your business or Yii2 framework.


Get Started

  1. Initialize your Yii application

    composer create-project --prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic
  2. Install this package by composer

    composer require swoole-foundation/yii2-swoole-extension
  3. Create server configuration file.

    // config/server.php
      return [
       'host' => 'localhost',
       'port' => 9501,
       'mode' => SWOOLE_PROCESS,
       'sockType' => SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP,
       'app' => require __DIR__ . '/swoole.php', 
       'options' => [ // options for swoole server
           'pid_file' => __DIR__ . '/../runtime/swoole.pid',
           'worker_num' => 2,
           'daemonize' => 0,
           'task_worker_num' => 2,
  4. Create swoole.php and replace the default web components of Yii2。

    Thanks for @RicardoSette

    // config/swoole.php
    $config = require __DIR__ . '/web.php';
    $config['components']['response']['class'] = swoole\foundation\web\Response::class;
    $config['components']['request']['class'] = swoole\foundation\web\Request::class;
    $config['components']['errorHandler']['class'] = swoole\foundation\web\ErrorHandler::class;
    return $config;
  5. Create bootstrap file.

// bootstrap.php
 * @author xialeistudio
 * @date 2019-05-17

use swoole\foundation\web\Server;
use Swoole\Runtime;

// Warning: singleton in coroutine environment is untested!
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG', true);
defined('YII_ENV') or define('YII_ENV', getenv('PHP_ENV') === 'development' ? 'dev' : 'prod');

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php';

// require your server configuration
$config = require __DIR__ . '/config/server.php';
// construct a server instance
$server = new Server($config);
// start the swoole server
  1. Start your app.
php bootstrap.php
  1. Congratulations! Your first Yii2 Swoole Application is running!


Theres is an complete application in tests directory.


  • Fix coroutine environment
  • Support for docker
  • Add test case
  • Work with travis-ci


This Project only works because of contributions by users like you!

  1. Fork this project
  2. Create your branch
  3. Make a pull request
  4. Wait for merge