
Harness the power of the Google Autocomplete API inside Craft. Adds an autocomplete search box to Craft entries.

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2.1.1 2019-02-27 10:26 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-29 05:41:55 UTC


Harness the power of the Google Autocomplete API inside Craft. Adds an autocomplete search box to Craft entries which allows place and address queries to be made to the API. Populates a hidden Location field with lat, lng, location, and placeid which you can grab in your templates to do with as you wish.


  • Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.
  • Google API key with Google Maps JavaScript API and Google Places API Web Service enabled.


Google has updated their API access policy. See https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/user-guide/


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require swixpop/locate
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for Locate, or from the command line:

     ./craft install/plugin locate
  4. Configure the plugin via the plugin settings page in the control panel.

  5. You can now create Location fields and add them to your entries.


Navigate to Settings > Plugins > Locate. Enter your Google API key if you already have one, or get one here. The settings page also allows you to customize the behaviour of the autocomplete box.

Customize the autocomplete box

The autocomplete search box need not be customized. It defaults to all place types (cities, addresses, businesses, etc.) in the world. By default, the API will attempt to detect the user's location from their IP address, and will bias the results to that location.

However, by passing in some basic options, advanced filtering can be achieved. You can modify the default behaviour by passing in a JSON object of options. For a full list of allowed options see the official documentation from Google.

These options can be set globally or on a per field basis. Options set on individual fields will override the global options.

The options object must be formatted correctly or the plugin will throw a javascript error! If after reading this documentation you are unclear about what to enter in the options box, please leave it blank.

Restrict search by place type

You can specify an array of types to restrict the results returned to your autocomplete box. In general only a single type is allowed. Possible values are:

  • geocode
  • address
  • establishment
  • (regions)
  • (cities)

See the official documentation for details on how using these types will restrict your results.

Example usage

Restrict the results to cities:

"types": ["(cities)"]

Restrict the results to business establishments:

"types": ["establishment"]

Bias the search towards a geographical already

You can use the bounds property to specify a google.maps.LatLngBoundsLiteral and bias your search results to a geographic area. This is an object specifying north, east, south, and west values. The autocomplete box return results biased towards, but not restricted to, the area you specify.

See the LatLngBoundsLiteral object specification for full details.

Note that the values are entered as a number and not a string

Example usage

Bias the search results to the Pacific Northwest:

"bounds": {
  "north": 50,
  "east": -122,
  "south": 48,
  "west": -123

Restrict search by country

You can restrict results to an individual country using the componentRestrictions property. The country must be passed as as a two-character, ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 compatible country code.

Example usage

Restrict the results to Canada:

"componentRestrictions": {
  "country": "ca"

Putting it all together

Using the above examples we can create an options object that restricts searches to businesses in Canada, preferably in the Pacific Northwest region (ie. Starbucks in Vancouver).

"types": ["establishment"],
"bounds": {
  "north": 50,
  "east": -122,
  "south": 48,
  "west": -123
"componentRestrictions": {
  "country": "ca"

Using the Location field

The Location field returns locationData, lat, lng, location, and placeid. You can use these in your templates and pass them on to your javascript.

  • locationData returns the full API response from Google, with an additional components array which maps the address_components to an an array with the component types as keys. See here for a list of some types. (For example, you can access locationData.components.country in your twig. You can also add _short to any component key to access the short_name of that address component, for example locationData.components.country_short).
  • lat returns the latitude of the place
  • lng returns the longitude of the place
  • location returns autocomplete query
  • placeid returns a textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place

The placeid can be used to make additional requests to the Google Maps API. With placeid you can make place details requests to get information such as address, phone number, reviews, etc. You can also use the placeid to generate map markers. Read more about referencing a place with a place ID.

Templating examples

Using the options restrictions from the previous section, we could search for "Lucky's Donuts" in the autocomplete box.

<div class="yummy" data-place-id="{{ entry.myLocationFieldHandle.placeid }}" data-lat="{{ entry.myLocationFieldHandle.lat }}" data-lng="{{ entry.myLocationFieldHangle.lng }}">
  <span>You searched for: {{ entry.myLocationFieldHandle.location }}</span>

would generate the following:

<div class="yummy" data-place-id="ChIJ0drOuuNzhlQRB8PCozmcz_4" data-lat="49.25915390000001" data-lng="-123.10084899999998">
  <span>You searched for: Lucky's Doughnuts, Main Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada</span>

You could then generate a simple map by loading up the Google Maps javascript API:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=YOUR_API_KEY"></script>

and grabbing the placeid, lat, and lng in your javascript:

var map,
    myLat = $('.yummy').attr('data-lat'),
    myLng = $('.yummy').attr('data-lng'),
    myPlaceId = $('.yummy').attr('data-place-id');

function initialize() {
  // Create a map centered at your location.
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    center: {lat: myLat, lng: myLng},
    zoom: 15

  var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng({lat: myLat, lng: myLng});

  var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    map: map,
    place: {
      placeId: myPlaceId,
      location: myLatLng

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);

Brought to you by Isaac Gray