
Random code generator

v1.0.2 2022-02-20 10:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 15:58:59 UTC


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composer require swindon/code-generator


Single Code Generation:

 * Generates a random code
 * @param   $length             int
 * @return string
->generate(int $length = 8) : string

Example #1 Generates 12 character long string

(new CodeGenerator)->generate(12);
// output: 4CF9O7XP

Example #2 Generates 8 character long string, with alpha characters only (lower and upper case)

(new CodeGenerator)->setCharacters(CodeGenerator::CHAR_ALPHA)->generate(8);
// output: JTFRujQJ

Example #3 Generates 10 character long string, with all characters and symbols, removing ambiguous characters (eg S, 5, 0, O etc.)

(new CodeGenerator)->setCharacters(CodeGenerator::CHAR_ALL)->generate(10);
// output: J\TTu@<ab4

Example #4 Generates 6 character long string, using only characters stated

(new CodeGenerator)->setCharacters('ABCXYZabcxyz')->generate(6);
// output: XcZxbc

Batch Code Generation:

 * Generates an array of random codes
 * @param   $maxNum             int
 * @param   $length             int
 * @return  array
->bulk(int $maxNum, int $length = 8) : array

Example #1 Generates array of 6 x 8 character long unique codes

(new CodeGenerator)->bulk(6)
// output: [
//   "d3MEJqNq",
//   "Dr4mYKxP",
//   "J0RqiCJ9",
//   "NZuaPUVC",
//   "aZgMjn2m",
//   "EnyQKrat",
// ];

Example #2 Generates array of 6 x 6 character long unique codes appended to original array of codes

(new CodeGenerator)->bulk(3, 6)
// output: [
//   "OsphQo",
//   "LPKCs2",
//   "DCv0QS",
// ];

Example #3 Generates array of 6 x 8 character long unique codes, using only characters stated

(new CodeGenerator)->setCharacters('ABCXYZabcxyz')->bulk(6)
// output: [
//   "xcXAcYbb",
//   "YZXAYBBX",
//   "ZZzYxZyy",
//   "ZYZacACa",
//   "BYzzBYaB",
//   "xZxbacAz",
// ];



The CodeGeneratorException can be thrown for multiple reasons, on main reason for this will be from the bulk generation method. If the amount to codes required to be generated exceeds the amount which can be generated (based on character set and code length) then an exception will be thrown.

Example Try generating array of 100 x 3 character long unique codes, using only characters stated

(new CodeGenerator)->setCharacters('ABC')->bulk(100, 3);
// throws: 'Cannot generate more than 27 possible unique codes. Try increasing the code length.'

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