swango / segment_tree
2020-09-25 10:04 UTC
- php: >=7.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 20:13:09 UTC
Easy segment tree in PHP. Support multi key-value storage. Written without any global variable. Can be used in all kinds of environment.
Common segment tree
$tree = Swango\SegmentTree\Tree\Common::newTree(0,100000); // Create a tree with scale of 0~100000; // Set to use "==" when comparing values. Two objects of different instances that have same content will be considered equal. $tree->useDoubleEqualSign(); // Set to use "===" when comparing values. Two objects of different instances will be considered not equal no matter their content. $tree->useTripleEqualSign(); // Accept all kinds of values including string, number, null, bool, array, object, etc. $tree->setValue(100, 1000, 'key1', 123); $tree->setValue(20000, 20400, 'key1', null); $tree->setValue(21000, 30000, 'key1', false); $tree->setValue(20005, 21005, 'key1', [1, 2, 3]); $tree->setValue(50000, 60000, 'key2', new \SplQueue()); $tree->setValue(99999, 100000, 'key3', 'some value'); // Get value of certain position. var_dump($tree->getValue(20006, 'key1')); // Delete value of between certain positions. $tree->delValue(30000, 100000, 'key1'); // Throws exception when value not found. var_dump($tree->getValue(70000, 'key1')); // Get segment arrays. var_dump($tree->getSegmentsOfGivenKey('key1')); var_dump($tree->getSegmentsOfGivenKeyAndValue('key1', [1, 2, 3])); // Remove all redundant nodes in the tree to reduce memory cost. $tree->optimize(); // Clear all values and child nodes and make it a new tree. $tree->clear();
Version compressed segment tree
$tree = Swango\SegmentTree\Tree\Version::newTree( '1.0.0', '1.0.1', '1.0.2', '1.0.3', '1.1.0', '1.4.1', '2.0.0', '2.0.1-RC1', '3.0.0' ); // Create a tree with versions. These versions will be sorted using version_compare() and remove all duplicated // All methods are similar with Common tree. $tree->setValue('1.0.2', '2.0.0', 'key1', true); var_dump($tree->getValue('1.1.0'));
Date compressed segment tree
$tree = Swango\SegmentTree\Tree\Date::newTree( '2020-09-25', '2020-12-12' ); // Create a tree with dates. // All methods are similar with Common tree. $tree->setValue('2020-09-29', '2020-11-11', 'key1', true); var_dump($tree->getValue('2020-11-01'));