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Simply store base64 images in laravel

dev-master 2024-07-27 15:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-27 15:30:08 UTC


Simply store and delete base64 images in Laravel.


  1. Install the package via Composer:

    composer require svenk/laravel-base64-images
  2. Publish the configuration file:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config
  3. Add the service provider and alias (if not using package auto-discovery):

    Open config/app.php and add the following to the providers array:


    Add the following to the aliases array:

    'Base64ImageHelper' => SvenK\LaravelBase64Images\Facades\Base64ImageHelper::class,


The configuration file config/base64images.php will be published to your application. You can customize the following settings:

return [
    'scaling' => env('BASE64IMAGES_SCALING', null),
    'quality' => env('BASE64IMAGES_QUALITY', 80),
  • scaling: The scaling factor for the images.
  • quality: The quality of the webp images (0-100).


Storing an Image

To store a base64 encoded image:

use SvenK\LaravelBase64Images\Facades\Base64ImageHelper;

$base64Image = '...'; // Your base64 encoded image string
$path = 'images'; // The directory where the image will be stored
$storedImagePath = Base64ImageHelper::store($base64Image, $path);

echo $storedImagePath; // Outputs the stored image path

Deleting an Image

To delete an image from storage:

use SvenK\LaravelBase64Images\Facades\Base64ImageHelper;

$imagePath = '/storage/images/your-image.webp';
$isDeleted = Base64ImageHelper::delete($imagePath);

if ($isDeleted) {
    echo 'Image deleted successfully.';
} else {
    echo 'Failed to delete image.';

What It Does

This package provides a helper class to easily store and delete base64 encoded images in Laravel.

  • Store: Converts a base64 encoded image to a webp format and saves it to the specified directory. The stored image path is returned.
  • Delete: Deletes an image from the specified path.

The helper class utilizes the Intervention Image package for image processing and Laravel's Storage facade for file storage operations.


This package is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.


  • svenk2002