
Starter Kit developed for Laravel 11.

v2.1.7 2024-04-07 09:51 UTC




Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will download the package.

⚠️ This package must be installed just after creating new laravel project. Installing in working project may cause overwriting your important files.

composer require susheelbhai/laravel_starter_kit


Vendor Publish

Publish all the required files using the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="starter_kit" --force 

Publish all the themes using the following command

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="starter_kit_themes" --force 

Migrate database

Migrate databse tables and seed with the following commands

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

Alternatively you can refresh the database and seed with the following commands

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Change initial settings by runnung the command

php artisan starter_kit:initial_settings

Installation with single action

create a new folder with the appropriate project name, open terminal and run the following command.

laravel new project
cd project
composer require susheelbhai/laravel_starter_kit
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="starter_kit" --force
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="starter_kit_themes" --force
php artisan starter_kit:initial_settings
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed


This Laravel Starter Kit Package is developed by susheelbhai for personal use software licensed under the MIT license