
A laravel package for manage your app settings

v1.2.2 2019-11-10 06:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-18 11:55:21 UTC


A laravel package for manage your app settings


composer require surya/laravel-settings

This package require laravel 5.5 or higher, if your current version of laravel is below 5.5 you could install this package but it isn't tested at all.

Register the ServiceProvider in config/app.php

'providers' => [

Also register the Facade Alias

'aliases' => [
    'Setting' => Surya\Setting\Facades\Setting::class,

Publish migration table

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Surya\Setting\SettingServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"


php artisan migrate


By default the folder that use for store our setting is located in resources/settings, so you must create settings folder by your self.

Creating Setting File

Let's create setting file call general.php

return [
    'site_name'     => [
        'type'      => 'text',
        'default'   => 'Laravel',
        'label'     => 'Site Name'
    'genre'         => [
        'type'      => 'radio',
        'default'   => 'male',
        'label'     => 'Genre',
        'options'   => [
            'male'      => 'Male',
            'female'    => 'Female'

the filename of setting also refer to group, used for getting setting value and prop the setting file only containts an array of setting properties. the site_name is the key of the setting.

available setting properties:

  1. type => the type of the setting, basically the input tag e.g: text, textarea, select, number, etc.
  2. default => the default value of the setting.
  3. label => the setting label.
  4. options => this specific for type select and radio only.

Rendering Setting File

After the setting file was created. You can render the setting file by using blade directive


the @rendersettings directive doesn't include the form tag, so you should render your setting between form tag

<form method="POST" action="#yoursettingsaveroute">
    {!! csrf_field() !!}
    <input type="submit" value="Save">

All the setting type are bootstrap friendly so it will adapt to your bootstrap theme.

Saving Your Setting

You can simply use facade to saving settings

use Setting;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SettingController extends Controller
    public function save(Request $request)
        return redirect('your.view');

Play With Value

Getting Setting Value

There's three diffrent ways to getting setting value. use the directive


use the helper function


use the facade class


getting setting propperty




checking if setting exists

Setting::exists('group', 'key)


settingExists('group', 'key')

Modify Setting Type

You still has control for modify each of setting type or adding new setting type.

publish setting types view

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Surya\Setting\SettingServiceProvider" --tag="views"

as you can see in resources/view/vendor/setting/settings each setting type view has exact name of type property, so if you want additional setting type just add another view file.

for example if you want create setting that accept email

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="email-{{ $i }}">{{ $label }}</label>
    <input type="email" id="email-{{ $i }}" class="form-control" value="{{ $value }}" name="value[]">

all properties for each setting key are automatically passed. save as email.blade.php and it's automatically recognized as email setting type.

New In 1.2.+

You can now add resource key for select setting type

for example, if you want select a primary user from database

return [
    'primary_user'    => [
        'type'  => 'select',
        'label' => 'Select a Primary User',
        'source'    => App\User::class,
        'show_label'     => 'email'

There are 3 new keys, source is the model source show_label model property key if your model primary key is id just leave it empty.

currently the source key only work for select setting type

New in 1.2.1

New switch setting type.

'example_switch'    => [
        'type'  => 'switch',
        'default'   => 0,
        'label' => 'Switch Example',

in order to use switch use must include bootstrap otherwise you will get normal checkbox input

Now the setting type check can use options key

'includes'   => [
    'type'      => 'check',
    'default'   => ['logo', 'profile'],
    'label'     => 'Your website include: ',
    'options'   => [
        'profile'   => 'Your profile',
        'logo'      => 'Your logo',
        'identity'  => 'Your identity'