
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A php kanban style todo cli.

v1.2.0 2023-04-02 19:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-08-02 19:59:05 UTC


A simple PHP Kanban-style to-do CLI.



  • Ensure that sqlite and the sqlite3 & pctnl extension are installed.

  • Run composer global require surgiie/project-cli. Run with --ignore-platform-reqs if using windows.

Creating a New Board

To create a new board, run: project new:board <board-name>

This will create the following directory: ~/.project/boards/<board-name>

This will also create the following sqlite database file: ~/.projects/boards/<board-name>/database.

Setting/Selecting a Board

To set the default board that the CLI will interact with, run: project select <board-name>

This allows the CLI to know which board to interact with when running commands.

Note: This will be done automatically on your first board creation.

Creating Task Statuses

Create statuses for your board tasks and use them as headers in the board listing. For example, a common set of statuses you may create:

project new:status "Todo"
project new:status "Doing"
project new:status "Done"

Tip: For the best render experience, consider keeping this to 3-5 statuses or however many statuses your screen/terminal size can render. 3-4 is best, and too many may cause rendering issues for the board.

Creating Task Tags

Optionally, you can create tags for your board tasks. For example, you may want to tag tasks by urgency:

project new:tag "Urgent"
project new:tag "Not Urgent"

Creating Tasks

You can create tasks by running the new:task command:

project new:task "Some task description" --status="Todo" --tag="Urgent" --due-date="2 weeks"

Note Any string value that is parsable by the Carbon library can be used here.

Editing Tasks

You can edit existing tasks with edit:task command:

project edit:task <new-description> --id="<task-id>" --status="<new-status>" --tag="<new-tag>" --due-date="<new-due-date>"

Moving Tasks

To "move" a task, simply update the status field:

project edit:task --id="1" --status="Doing"

Creating Task Description with Terminal Editor

If you prefer to type up the description of the task in a terminal editor instead of the command line, use the --editor flag to open a temporary file to type the description. By default, this will be in Vim:

project new:task --editor --status="Todo" --tag="Urgent"

Once you close vim, you will return to the command process and your task will be created.

Note: If you prefer to use a different terminal-based editor, you can set the binary for another terminal-based editor using the TERMINAL_EDITOR preference as documented below. Only terminal-based editors are supported, since editors like VSCode, Sublime, etc. do not run in the same terminal process as the command call. If you attempt to set this to a non-terminal based editor, you will be prompted to enter the description in the terminal.

Show board

You may show you board with the show:board command, you'll see something like this example:

project-cli kanban board

Show Task Detail

To print out a single task with detail, run the show:task command with the id of the task you wish to view:

Remove Tasks

To remove tasks from the board run the remove:task command with --id option.

project remove:task --id=20

Note - The --id option can be passed multiple times to remove many tasks at once.

CLI Preferences:

You can customize certain functionality or output using preferences stored in your sqlite database. For example, to specify the order of the columns of your board:

project set "STATUS_ORDER" "Todo, Doing, Done"

The CLI will consume these preferences as set by the values stored in this table.

Below is a list of options that can currently be set:

Name Description Example Default
STATUS_ORDER The order of the statuses shown on the board. project set STATUS_ORDER "Todo,Doing,Done" N/A
TERMINAL_EDITOR The terminal editor to use for creating task content via --editor option. project set TERMINAL_EDITOR "nano" vim
DATE_TIMEZONE The timezone to use for dates shown on the boards/task detail. Must be a valid list returned from php's timezone_identifiers_list project set DATE_TIMEZONE "America/New_York" America/Indiana/Indianapolis