
A collection of settings loaders

1.0.1 2014-10-16 20:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 10:00:18 UTC


Build Status

The settings loader is a library that loads settings from several sources (currently only XML is supported).

XML Loader

This loader loads the settings from an XML file with a given structure:

<!-- settings.xml -->

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<s:abstract xmlns="">





use \DomDocument;
use Superruzafa\Settings\Loader\XmlLoader;

$doc = new DomDocument();
$doc->load(__DIR__ . '/settings.xml');
$loader = new XmlLoader($doc);
$settings = $loader->getSettings();

// $settings = array(
//   array(
//     'country' => 'Japan',
//     'company' => 'Nintendo',
//   ),
//   array(
//     'country' => 'Japan',
//     'company' => 'Sony',
//   )
// )

In essence you can create your own XML settings file following these steps:

  • Define in your XML a namespace pointing to
  • Use the two reserved tags in that namespace for define settings entries: <abstract> and <settings>
  • The namespaceless tags will be used as key-value pairs and will build the settings entries.

<abstract> vs. <settings>

Both <abstract> and <settings> tags define a context (or change the previous one). However, the <settings> takes the current context and creates a settings entry in the global settings list.

Summarizing, you should use <abstract> when you want to define a global context that would be overrided by concrete context using <settings>.


Both <abstract> and <settings> nodes inherit the values defined by its ancestors and could be combined for create large collections of settings easily. These tags could be nested:



Elements vs. attributes

An <abstract> or a <setting> node are allowed to define their context using both elements and attributes. These two examples would create the same settings:

  <purpose>Web and more</purpose>
<s:settings language="PHP" purpose="Web and more" />
<s:settings language="PHP">

You can use the method that better fits your needs.


When a key appears twice or more within the same context then the values for that key are interpreted as an array, instead of preserving the last defined value:

// array(
//   array('colors' => array('red', 'green', 'blue'))
// )

When inheriting, the child settings overrides its parent:

Reason: otherwise settings nodes having keys that already are defined by its parent would always append its value to the one from its parent, creating an array.

// array(
//   array('colors' => array('black', 'white')),
//   array('colors' => array('red', 'green', 'blue'))
//   array('colors' => 'transparent')
// )

String interpolation

String values could be considered as templates.

When an string contains something like {{ username }} the parser looks in the current context the value associated to the key "username" and makes a replacement.

	<string>I like {{ language }}</string>
// array(
//   'language' => 'PHP',
//   'string' => 'I like PHP',
// )

You can chain even more complicated interpolations and hierarchies:

	<s:settings who="I">
		<string>{{ who }} {{ preference }} {{ language }} {{ how-many }}</string>
	<how-many>so much!<how-many>
// array(
//   'who' => 'I',
//   'language' => 'PHP',
//   'string' => 'I like PHP so much!',
//   'preference' => 'like',
// )


Non-existing keys are replaced by an empty string, generating a warning.

   	<string>My name is {{ name }}</key1>
// array(
//   array (
//     'string' => 'My name is ',
//   )
// )

Cyclic recursive resolution will end with an empty string, generating a warning:

   	<key1>Need {{ key2 }}</key1>
   	<key2>Need {{ key3 }}</key2>
   	<key3>Need {{ key1 }}</key3>
// array(
//   array (
//     'key1' => 'Need Need Need ',
//     'key2' => 'Need Need ',
//     'key3' => 'Need ',
//   )
// )

Array interpolations are replaced by "<array>" and a warning is generated:

    <year>A year is composed by {{ seasons }}</year>
// array(
//   array (
//     'seasons' => array('Spring','Summer','Autumn','Winter'),
//     'year' => 'A year is composed by <array>',
//   )
// )