superrb / kunstmaan-stockists-finder
Stockists finder bundle for use with the KunstmaanBundles CMS
- kunstmaan/bundles-cms: ~4.0
The KunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle is for adding a postcode search, with a list of stockists and their pins on a map.
Step 1: Install the Bundle
composer require superrb/kunstmaan-stockists-finder
Step 2: Enable the Bundle
Enable the bundle in your app/AppKernel.php
for your project
<?php // app/AppKernel.php // ... class AppKernel extends Kernel { public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Superrb\KunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle\SuperrbKunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle(), ); // ... } // ... }
Step 3: Add the routes
Add the following to your app/config/routes.yml
superrbkunstmaanstockistsfinderbundle_stockist_admin_list: resource: "@SuperrbKunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle/Controller/StockistAdminListController.php" type: annotation prefix: /{_locale}/admin/stockist/
Remember to remove the /{_locale}/
from the admin list route if you are using single language.
Step 4: Generate Database Tables
You can use Doctrine Migrations or a schema update, it is your choice
bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
Step 5: Add required config
Turn on the timestampable Doctrine extension in app/config/config.yml
stof_doctrine_extensions: orm: default: timestampable: true
Outputting Stockists on the front end
bin/console assets:install --symlink
load the new js file - add the following to .groundcontrolrc
"footer": [ "web/bundles/superrbkunstmaanstockistsfinder/js/stockists-finder.js", ],
add the route
superrbkunstmaanstockistsfinderbundle_stockists_form: pattern: /stockistsFormSubmission defaults: { _controller: SuperrbKunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle:StockistsFinder:stockists }
Call the js function from your page
{% block scripts %} stockistsMap(); {% endblock %}
Make sure the map dimensions are set
#map_wrapper { height: 400px; } #map_canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; }
Add the Search parameters to your parameters.yml
stockistsfindersearchby: 'limit' stockistsfindersearchbyvalue: '4'
You can output a list of stockists on the front end simply be rendering a controller action. This could also be added to a page part template to allow more control.
{{ render_esi(controller('SuperrbKunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle:StockistsFinder:stockists', { 'limit' : 12, 'template' : 'SuperrbKunstmaanStockistsFinderBundle:StockistsFinder:stockists.html.twig' } )) }}
Issues and Troubleshooting
All issues: