
Laravel 5 package providing multi-theme inherited cascading support for views and assets.

4.0.10 2020-10-15 07:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-15 16:22:07 UTC


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Version 0.3

Laravel 5 package providing multi-theme inherited cascading support for views and assets.

  • Easy and worry free setup Does not conflict with the standard Laravel view system.
  • Template Languages Works with PHP, Blade, Twig and any other view engine.
  • Cascading & Inheritance Themes are able to inherit all options from other themes, providing a smart and intuitive way to extend existing themes.
  • Asset Management Dependable assets or asset groups with caching, minification, filters(scss, less, etc), etc.
  • And much more...


Todo for 1.0

  • Proper/updated documentation (not this file)
  • Example application
  • Unit tests for Assets
  • Jenkins, travis, etc
  • Unit tests for Themes


"laradic/themes": "0.3.*"

Add the ThemesServiceProvider to your config.


Optionally, you can add any of the Facades below:

    'Themes' => Sunveloper\TeeplussThemes\Facades\Themes::class,
    'Asset' => Sunveloper\TeeplussThemes\Facades\Asset::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="config"


First time usage guide and explenation

Open up the laradic.config.php file. For first time use, just change the theme folder path to your desired location.

return array(
    // ...
    'paths'           => array(
        'themes'     => array(
            public_path('themes'), // change this to the desired location
        // ...

Save it and run php artisan themes:init. This will generate a few folders and files matching the default config settings. It only serves as an example, showing the directory structure for a theme and theme view inheritance.

Loading a view file is the same as normal.

// The active theme is 'example/main'.
// It contains the index.blade.php file in the view folder.
// Which can be loaded like:

Inheritance system basics

Load priority Active Theme View Folder > Parent Theme View Folder(if set) > Default Theme View Folder > Default Laravel View Folder

If you understand that, skip these points. Otherwise, more details about this:

  • If you open the index.blade.php file, you see it @extends layout.
  • If there was a layout.blade.php file in the same folder, it would use that one (duhh).
  • However, that's not the case right now. So the Theme manager will start looking in other theme directories if they have the file (with the same relative path).
  • It will first check the parent theme of 'example/main', defined in the theme.php file (or not, its optional).
  • If its not there either, it will check the default theme. Which in this case, has the layout.blade.php file.
  • If by any chance, the default folder doesn't have that file either, it will lastly check the standard Laravel view folder for that file.

The same goes for loading Views, Assets, etc.

Cascade system basics

To put it simply, every theme can have "sub-themes". Inside a theme folder, you notice the namespaces and packages folder.

To create a namespace

For example:

  • create the lingo folder inside the namespaces folder of the example/main theme.
  • Inside that folder, create the assets and views folder.
  • Create a myview.blade.php inside the view folder
  • Create a subdir/otherview.blade.php inside the view folder
To create package

A package need to be in 2 directories.

  • So create the foo/bar folder inside the packages folder of the example/main theme.
  • Inside that folder, create the assets and views folder.
  • Create a hakker.blade.php inside the view folder
  • Create a subdir/otherhakker.blade.php inside the view folder

The same goes for assets


The active and default theme can be set in the configuration by altering the active and default keys.
You can set the active theme on the fly by using Theme::setActive('theme/slug').
You can set the default theme on the fly by using Theme::setDefault('theme/slug').

// public/themes/{active/theme}/views/view-file.EXT
$view = View::make("view-file");

// public/themes/{active/theme}/namespaces/my-namespace/views/view-file.EXT
$view = View::make("my-namespace::view-file");

// public/themes/{active/theme}/packages/vendor-name/package-name/views/view-file.EXT
$view = View::make("vendor-name/package-name::view-file");

$view = View::make("view-file"); // -> public/backend/admin/views/view-file.EXT
// etc

Common methods overview

Check out the API documentation for the full list of methods.

Themes (Facade => ThemeFactory)
Theme (instance of a theme)


The Asset Facade links to AssetFactory. It should not be confused with the Asset class that Asset::make returns, which actually holds asset data.

Note $path is the same as with Views (namespaces, packages, etc)


Is used to group assets. Has several features you could use:

  • Depencency management
  • Minifaction & concenation
  • Caching
// I would advice to do this in theme.php its boot closure!
    ->add('jquery', 'plugins/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js')
    ->add('bootstrap', 'plugins/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js', [ 'jquery' ])
    ->add('bootstrap', 'plugins/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css')
    ->add('bootbox', 'something::bootbox/bootbox.js', [ 'jquery', 'bootstrap' ])
    ->add('slimscroll', 'plugins/jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.js', [ 'jquery' ])
    ->add('modernizr', 'plugins/modernizr/modernizr.js')
    ->add('moment', 'plugins/moment/moment.js')
    ->add('highlightjs', 'plugins/highlightjs/highlight.pack.js')
    ->add('highlightjs', 'plugins/highlightjs/styles/zenburn.css')
    ->add('sassStyle', 'sassStyle.scss');

    ->add('respond', 'plugins/respond/dest/respond.min.js')
    ->add('html5shiv', 'plugins/html5shiv/dist/html5shiv.js');
// And continue somewhere else 
    ->add('name', 'path');
// Other functions
$group = Asset::group('base');

$group->addFilter('scss', 'Assetic\Filters\ScssphpFilter')
$group->render($type, $combine = true); // type can be either: 'scripts' or 'styles'
$group->get($type, $handle); // $handle is the name of the asset, which u entered as first parameter with add()
$group->getSorted($type); // get all assets of $type sorted by dependency
$group->getAssets($type); // get all assets of $type
$group->getName(); // get the name of group ('base')
// then in the view files you could do
    <link href='//' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
    {!! Asset::group('base')->add('style', 'style.css')->render('styles') !!}

		<div class="container">
			<div class="content">
                <div class="info">
                    Using theme: {{ Themes::getActive()->getName() }}.
                        Using parent theme: {{ Themes::getActive()->getParentTheme()->getName() }}
				<div class="title">
                        The layout

    <!--[if lt IE 9]>
    {!! Asset::group('ie9')->render('scripts') !!}
    {!! Asset::group('base')->render('scripts') !!}
    {!! Asset::script('something::bootbox/bootbox.js') !!}
    <!-- Get the URL -->
    {!! Asset::url('something::bootbox/bootbox.js') !!}

    <!-- Get the URI -->
    {!! Asset::uri('something::bootbox/bootbox.js') !!}

    <!-- Dump the content -->
    Asset::make('bootbox', 'something::bootbox/bootbox.js')->dump()

    <!-- Dump some scss converted to css -->
    {!! Asset::make('sassStyle', 'sassStyle.scss')->dump() !!}

The theme file

Beside the obvious fields, the boot field is rather important. Use the boot field closure to register namespaces for your theme, define assets and asset groups, and other global stuff.

use Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application;
use Sunveloper\TeeplussThemes\Theme;

return [
    'parent'   => null,
    'name'     => 'Example theme',
    'slug'     => 'example/theme',
    'version'  => '0.0.1',
    'register' => function (Application $app, Theme $theme)
    'boot'     => function (Application $app, Theme $theme)
        Themes::addNamespace('something', 'something');
            ->add('jquery', 'plugins/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js')
            ->add('bootstrap', 'plugins/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js', [ 'jquery' ])
            ->add('bootstrap', 'plugins/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css')
            ->add('bootbox', 'something::bootbox/bootbox.js', [ 'jquery', 'bootstrap' ])
            ->add('slimscroll', 'plugins/jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.js', [ 'jquery' ])
            ->add('modernizr', 'plugins/modernizr/modernizr.js')
            ->add('moment', 'plugins/moment/moment.js')
            ->add('highlightjs', 'plugins/highlightjs/highlight.pack.js')
            ->add('highlightjs', 'plugins/highlightjs/styles/zenburn.css');

            ->add('respond', 'plugins/respond/dest/respond.min.js')
            ->add('html5shiv', 'plugins/html5shiv/dist/html5shiv.js');


Console Commands

List publishers
php artisan themes:publishers
Publish a theme
php artisan themes:publish <publisher>
Creating a theme
php artisan themes:create <theme/slug> [path]
Creating the initial theme structure (ment as example)
php artisan themes:init


Copyright 2015 Robin Radic - MIT Licensed