
A Drupal feature.

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7.4.3 2018-08-27 22:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 04:40:11 UTC


Stanford FAQ

Version: 7.x-4.3-dev

Drupal Features module for creating Frequently asked questions (FAQ). Contains a content type for FAQ and a few default views.

Sub Modules

[Stanford FAQ Related Show Hide View] (modules/stanford_faq_related_show_hide_view) FAQs view with bootstrap collapse (show/hide) classes. Displays FAQs related to the page.

[Stanford FAQ Related Views] (modules/stanford_faq_related_views) Displays FAQs related to the taxonomy terms on the page.

[Stanford FAQ Show Hide Hierarchy] (modules/stanford_faq_show_hide_hierarchy) FAQs view with bootstrap collapse (show/hide) classes. Displays FAQs within the hierarchy related to the page, using headings for nested categories.


Install this module like any other module. See Drupal Documentation This depends on the [FAQ contrib module] ( It will need to be installed and enabled.


Enable modules

All FAQ Page

To see a list of all your FAQs, navigate to /faq

To add related FAQs to a page

FAQs tagged with taxonomy terms that match the terms on a given page will appear on that page once an FAQ view is placed using Context or the blocks interface.

  1. For content types that will display related FAQs on page displays, on the Manage Fields page add the term reference field: Stanford FAQ
  • Allow only one term per node
  • On the Manage Display for the content type, hide the FAQ field from display
  1. For placing the related FAQ view on the page content type using context, go to admin/structure/context
  • For the Condition, consider using either path or node type. Node type is recommended.
  • For the Reactions, place the appropriate FAQ Related block view
  1. Create Stanford FAQ Categories terms
  • Go to admin/structure/taxonomy_manager/voc and select Stanford FAQ Categories
  1. To display related FAQs on a node page:
  • Edit the node for that page, select the appropriate term from the FAQ Category, and save
  • Edit the related FAQ node and select the same term from the FAQ Category, and save
  1. Refresh the node page and verify it displays as expected.
  • You may need to clear the site cache to get it to display

Add a Question and Answer to your site

  1. From Content > Add Content select FAQ.
  2. Enter the frequently asked question in the Question field.
  3. Enter the answer to the frequently asked question in the Answer field.
  4. Select one or more category from the Display categories list. These categories determine where the FAQ will be placed.
  5. Click Save.

Contribution / Collaboration

You are welcome to contribute functionality, bug fixes, or documentation to this module. If you would like to suggest a fix or new functionality you may add a new issue to the GitHub issue queue or you may fork this repository and submit a pull request. For more help please see GitHub's article on fork, branch, and pull requests