stule-ru / modernpdo
The source code of the simple PDO library.
- php: >=8.1
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.15
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.10
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- vimeo/psalm: ^5.13
This repository contains code of ModernPDO, the library for working with databases using PDO.
The library is guaranteed to support the following databases: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 and custom PDO.
📝 Table of Contents
🧐 About
This repository contains code of ModernPDO, a library for working with databases using PDO. There are basic tools for working with databases.
For example, here you can see classes for working with insert, delete, select etc.
You can use the library instead of PDO which makes project development easier.
🏁 Getting Started
The library uses composer autoloader for including files, so you need to install Composer. If you've never used Composer read the manual. You can install via command line or composer.json.
Using command line
- Run the command
composer require stule-ru/modernpdo
in the console.
Using composer.json
- Add a require
"stule-ru/modernpdo": "^3.0.0"
to your composer.json.
"require": {
"stule-ru/modernpdo": "^3.0.0"
- Run the command
composer install
in the console.
🎈 Usage
About Structure
If you want to just use the library and not think about the implementation, install and use
Everyone else, welcome to hell =)
About Source Code
The source code contains:
- The general classes (ModernPDO.php, Factory.php, Escaper.php, etc.)
- The specific DBMS classes (they are located in /src/Drivers/*)
This allows append code rather than rewrite (MySQLDriver, PostgreSQLDriver, SQLite3Driver extend ModernPDO and etc.)
So, if you need to, you can extend all general classes to achieve your goals.
The general classes:
- Actions/* - query builders like Select, Update and etc.
- Conditions/* - condition builders for 'select' like Between, In and etc.
- Fields/* - field builders for 'create/update table' like IntField, TextField and etc.
- Functions/* - aggregate and scalar function builders like Count, Upper and etc.
- Keys/* - key builders for 'create/update table' like PrimaryKey, UniqueKey and etc.
- Traits* - traits with shared methods like where(), columns() and etc.
- ModernPDO - base class for working with database (methods exec(), query(), select() and etc.)
- Escaper - base class for escaping values.
- Factory - base class for making new actions, transactions and etc.
- Statement - base class for working with database response.
- Transaction - base class for working with transactions.
The drivers:
- MariaDB - driver for working with MariaDB.
- MySQL - driver for working with MySQL.
- PostgreSQL - driver for working with PostgreSQL.
- SQLite3 - driver for working with SQLite3.
About Tests
There are 2 types of tests: Integration and Unit.
Initialization Examples
use ModernPDO\ModernPDO; use ModernPDO\Drivers\MySQLDriver; use ModernPDO\Drivers\MariaDBDriver; use ModernPDO\Drivers\PostgreSQLDriver; use ModernPDO\Drivers\SQLite3Driver; // Initiolize by PDO $mpdo = new ModernPDO( pdo: $pdo, ); // Initiolize MySQL $mpdo = new MySQLDriver( host: $host, database: $database, username: $username, password: $password, charset: $charset, //port: $port, ); // Initiolize MariaDB $mpdo = new MariaDBDriver( host: $host, database: $database, username: $username, password: $password, charset: $charset, //port: $port, ); // Initiolize PostgreSQL $mpdo = new PostgreSQLDriver( host: $host, database: $database, username: $username, password: $password, //port: $port, ); // Initiolize SQLite3 $mpdo = new SQLite3Driver( mode: $mode, );
Queries Examples
// Row query $mpdo->exec('CREATE TABLE table_name (id int, name varchar(32));'); // Prepared queries $stmt = $mpdo->query("SELECT * FROM table_name", []); // Check query status if ($stmt->status()) { // Get counts $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt->columnCount(); $stmt->fetchColumn($column); // Fetch cell $stmt->fetchObject(); // Fetch row as object $stmt->fetch(); // Fetch row as array $stmt->fetchAll(); // Fetch all rows as array }
CRUD Examples
// // Insert example // // INSERT INTO table (id, name) VALUES (10, 'test'), (11, 'test') $mpdo->insert('table')->columns([ 'id', 'name', ])->values([ [10, 'test'], [11, 'test'], ])->execute(); // INSERT INTO table VALUES (12, 'test') $mpdo->insert('table')->values([ [12, 'test'], ])->execute(); // // Select examples // // SELECT * FROM table $mpdo->select('table')->rows(); // SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=10 LIMIT 1 $mpdo->select('table')->where('id', 10)->row(); // SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=10 AND name='test' LIMIT 1 $mpdo->select('table')->where('id', 10)->and('name', 'test')->row(); // SELECT id, name FROM table $mpdo->select('table')->columns(['id', 'name'])->rows(); // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table $mpdo->select('table')->columns([new Count()])->cell(); // SELECT SUM(amount) FROM table WHERE id BETWEEN 10 AND 50 $mpdo->select('table')->columns([new Sum('amount')])->where('id', new Between(10, 50))->cell(); // SELECT AS id, AS name, join_table.lastname AS lastname FROM table INNER JOIN join_table ON $mpdo->select('table')->columns([ 'id' => '', 'name' => '', 'lastname' => 'join_table.lastname', ])->innerJoin('join_table')->on('', '')->rows(); // SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY id ASC $mpdo->select('table')->orderBy('id')->rows(); // SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1 OFFSET 10 $mpdo->select('table')->limit(1, 10)->row(); // // Update example // // UPDATE table SET name='Mr. Gorski' WHERE id=10 $mpdo->update('table')->set(['name' => 'Mr. Gorski'])->where('id', 10)->execute(); // // Delete example // // DELETE FROM table WHERE id NOT IN (10, 11, 20) $mpdo->delete('table')->where('id', new NotIn([10, 11, 20]))->execute();
Table Examples
// // Create Table // // CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table (id INT NOT NULL, email TEXT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL) $mpdo->createTable('table')->checkIfExists()->fields([ new IntField('id'), new TextField('email'), new VarcharField('name', 32), ])->execute(); // CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table (id INT UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 100) $mpdo->createTable('table')->checkIfExists()->fields([ new IntField('id', unsigned: true, canBeNull: true, default: 100), ])->execute(); // CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS table (id INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id)) $mpdo->createTable('table')->checkIfExists()->fields([ new IntField('id'), ])->keys([ new PrimaryKey('id'), ])->execute(); // // Update Table // // ALTER TABLE table RENAME TO new_table $mpdo->alterTable('table')->rename('new_table')->execute(); // ALTER TABLE table ADD COLUMN amount INT NOT NULL $mpdo->alterTable('table')->addColumns([ new IntField('amount'), ])->execute(); // ALTER TABLE table RENAME COLUMN column TO new_column $mpdo->alterTable('table')->renameColumns([ 'column' => 'new_column', ])->execute(); // ALTER TABLE table DROP COLUMN column $mpdo->alterTable('table')->dropColumns([ 'column', ])->execute(); // // Drop Table // // DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table $mpdo->dropTable('table')->checkIfExists()->execute();
Transaction Example
$transaction = $mpdo->transaction(); $transaction->begin(); try { if (!$transaction->isActive()) { // Your code... } // Your code... $transaction->commit(); } catch (\Throwable $ex) { $transaction->rollBack(); throw $ex; }
🔧 Running the tests
There are many tools for testing: Integration/Unit tests (PHPUnit), PHPStan, PSalm and CSFixer.
If you want to start them you need to run composer scripts in terminal
NOTE: You can not start integration tests
- PHPStan: Level 9
- PSalm: Level 1
Composer scripts
composer tests
- runs all PHPUnit tests (do not run it)composer i-tests
- runs integration PHPUnit tests (do not run it)composer u-tests
- runs unit PHPUnit testscomposer ca-tests
- defines all tests coverage (do not run it)composer ica-tests
- defines integration tests coverage (do not run it)composer uca-tests
- defines unit tests coverage
composer stan
- writes errors to phpstan-report.xmlcomposer stan-bl
- writes errors to phpstan-baseline.neon
composer salm
- writes errors to psalm-report.xmlcomposer salm-bl
- writes errors to psalm-baseline.xml
Coding standards fixer
composer csfix
- fixes coding standards in all PHP files
⛏️ Built Using
- PHP - version >= 8.1
- PHPStan - static analyzer
- PSalm - static analyzer
- PHPUnit - testing framework
- PHP-CS-Fixer - coding standards fixer