
WinterCMS Helpers Plugin

Installs: 859

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 0


dev-main 2024-12-11 09:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 09:22:15 UTC


WinterCMS Plugin that provides various helpers.



  • inline_file renders the raw contents of a file\ Usage: 'path/to/file' | inline_file
  • file_hash returns the hash of a files contents\ Usage: 'path/to/file' | file_hash
  • style_for outputs the value for a (nested) key from yourtheme/assets/styles.json\ Usage: 'some.key' | style_for
  • url_without_host removes the host and protocol form any url\ Usage: '' | url_without_host will result in '/path?query=1'
  • localized_file_path will add a filename suffix containing the current or given locale to a file name\ Usage: 'path/to/file.txt' | localized_file_path('en') will result in 'path/to/file_en.txt'
  • localized_url will localize/prefix an URL with the current or given locale\ Usage: '/some/url' | localized_url will result in '/en/some/url'
  • locale_date will localize a date using the intl date formatter with a given format and optional locale or current locale\ Usage: '2022-01-01' | locale_date('MM/dd/yyyy', 'en')
  • base64_encode will output base64 encoded string\ Usage: 'some string' | base64_encode\
  • base64_encode_file will output base64 encoded contents of a file\ Usage: 'path/to/file.png' | base64_encode_file\ If the path is an url, you must pass true as first argument: '/url/to/file.png' | base64_encode_file(true)
  • md5 outputs a md5 hash of the given input\ Usage: 'some-string' | md5
  • sha1 outputs a sha1 hash of the given input\ Usage: 'some-string' | sha1
  • url_decode decodes an encoded URL
  • youtube_video_id determines the video id from a YouTube video URL\ Usage: '' | youtube_video_id will result in 'xxx'
  • vimeo_video_id determines the video id from a Vimeo video URL\ Usage: '' | vimeo_video_id will result in '123456'
  • currency formats a currency with the given currency code and locale\ Usage: 100 | currency('EUR', 'de') will result in 100,00 €


  • inline_file renders the raw contents of a file\ Usage: inline_file('path/to/file')

  • file_hash returns the hash of a files contents\ Usage: file_hash('path/to/file')
  • style_for outputs the value for a (nested) key from yourtheme/assets/styles.json\ Usage: style_for('some.key')
  • child_pages_with_layout returns a list of static child pages with a certain layout\ Usage: child_pages_with_layout(page, 'default') By default it will only return visible pages. To get a list of all pages do: child_pages_with_layout(page, 'default', false)
  • page_by_name return a static page with the given name\ Usage: page_by_name('somepage')
  • inject will return a new instance of a given class with optional arguments\ Usage: inject('StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\FormHelper', ...)
  • render_component will render a component with given properties. requires a cms or static page object to work.\ Usage: render_component('blogPosts', page, {postsPerPage: 10})
  • array_set will set the value of a key in an array\ Usage: array_set(some_array, 'some.key', 'some value')
  • array_get will get the value of a key in an array\ Usage: array_get(some_array, 'some.key', 'some default value')
  • set_deep will set a nested value of an array or object\ Usage: set_deep(some_array_or_object, 'some.key', 'some value')
  • get_deep will get a nested value of an array or object\ Usage: get_deep(some_array_or_object, 'some.key', 'some default value')
  • current_url will return the current url
  • url_without_host removes the host and protocol form any url\ Usage: url_without_host('') will result in '/path?query=1'
  • locale will return the current locale\
  • localized_url will localize/prefix an URL with the current or given locale\ Usage: localized_url('/some/url') will result in '/en/some/url'
  • query_param will return the value of a given query parameter\ Usage: query_param('search')
  • youtube_video_iddetermines the video id from a YouTube video URL\ Usage: youtube_video_id'') will result in 'xxx'
  • vimeo_video_id determines the video id from a Vimeo video URL\ Usage: vimeo_video_id'') will result in '123456'
  • carbon_date converts anything into a carbon date\ Usage: carbon_date('now')
  • config retrieves a config value with an optional default value if not set\ Usage: config('some.key', 'default value')
  • is_logged_in_backend returns true if current user is logged into backend
  • image_size returns an array with size of an image file\ Usage: image_size('/absolute/path/to/100x100_image.jpg') will result in ['width' => 100, 'height' => 100, 'aspect_ratio' => 1]
  • currency formats a currency with the given currency code and locale\ Usage: currency(100, 'EUR', 'de') will result in 100,00 €



  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\ArrayHelper::uniqueBy($array, $path) returns new array with unique values found under the given path.


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\CountryHelper::getCountries($locale = null) return translated list of countries for the current or the given locale.


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\CurrencyHelper::getCurrencies() return list of currencies.
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\CurrencyHelper::format(float $amount, string $currencyCode, $locale = null) formats a given amount for a currency for the given locale.


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\FormHelper::getFontAwesomeIconOptions() returns a list of font awesome icons for use in a dropdown field.


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\LocaleHelper::getLocale() get's the current frontend locale
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\LocaleHelper::hasTranslatePlugin() returns true if winter translate plugin is enabled
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\LocaleHelper::hasMulitpleLocales() returns true if mulitple frontend locales are enabled


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\SocialMediaHelper::getYouTubeVideoId($url) retrieves the video ID for a YouTube video URL
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\SocialMediaHelper::getVimeoVideoId($url) retrieves the video ID for a Vimeo video URL


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\StaticPagesHelper::getStaticPageOptions() returns a list of static pages for use in a dropdown field.
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\StaticPagesHelper::getChildPagesWithLayout($page, $layout, $visibleOnly = true) returns a list of static child pages with the given layout.
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\StaticPagesHelper::getPageByName($name) retrieves a page with the given name.


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\BlogHelper::getAllBlogCategoryOptions() returns a list of blog categories in a dropdown field.
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\BlogHelper::getAllBlogPageOptions() returns a list of blog posts in a dropdown field.
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\BlogHelper::getAllBlogTagOptions() returns a list of tags (blog taxonomy) in a tags field.


  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\UrlHelper::currentUrl() retrieves the current request URL
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\UrlHelper::urlWithoutHost($url) removes the host and protocol form any url
  • StudioBosco\Helpers\Classes\UrlHelper::localizedUrl($url, $withoutHost = true) will localize/prefix an URL with the current or given locale

Form widgets


Displays a searchable list of font awesome icons.


    type: fontawesomeicon


Displays a map where one can search for an address and/or place a marker to get latitude, longitude values. It will automaticly set the values of the given lat and lng field.


    type: geolocation
    latField: lat # 'lat' is default
    lngField: lng # 'lng' is default
    mapHeight: 400px


Displays a list of revisions for a model form. Allows to undo a revision by inverting the changes and committing it on top of the revision history.


First the model needs to be revisionable:

class MyModel extends Model
    use \Winter\Storm\Database\Traits\Revisionable;
    use \Winter\Storm\Database\Traits\Purgeable; // also add this

    protected $revisionable = [

    protected $purgeable = [
        'revisions', // add revisions field to purgable or winter will try to store revisions on model save.

    public $morphMany = [
        'revision_history' => [
            'name' => 'revisionable',
            'order' => 'created_at desc',

Then you need to add it as a field. It will display the field values based on theire type (if present in the model form). You can however override fields. This is especially usefull for relational fields that would

    type: revisions
    relation: revision_history # 'revision_history' is default
    dateFormat: Y/m/d - H:i:s # 'Y/m/d - H:i:s' is default
    fields: # override some fields
            nameFrom: title
            valueFrom: my_id
            label: 'Some special field'
            type: partial
            path: $/path/to/partial.htm


The same as the partials form widget, but you can add vars to it. In the partials these vars will be available as php variables.


    type: partialwithvars
    path: _some_partial.htm
        key: value
        otherKey: otherValue


Displays a list an autocomplete dropdown.


Static suggestions:

    type: autocomplete
        first: First
        second: Second
        last: Last

Dynamic suggestions:

    type: autocomplete
    suggestions: getMyAutocompleteSuggestions # you can use a custom method
class MyModel extends Model
     * @param string $q - the search query
     * @return {array} the autocomplete suggestions
    public function getMyAutocompleteSuggestions(string $q)
        // return list with keys beeing the ID and value the label of the suggestion


The clipboard widget allows to add a copy and paste button that will copy contents from a targetField from one record or even locale into another one. It will only allow pasting into the same model type and field with the model.

  label: Just some nested form
  type: nestedform

  copyLabel: Copy nested form
  pasteLabel: Paste nested form
  type: clipboard
  targetField: some_nested_form // use array-like syntax for nested fields. e.g. parentField[nestedField][evenDeeperNestedField]


The uuid widget allows to generate an UUID. By default it is a hidden field. It is always readonly.

  label: UUID
  type: uuid
  hidden: false # set to false to show the field

Model Traits


This trait adds some usefull features for revisionable models and also support for revisioning n-to-n relations.


class MyModel extends Model
    use \StudioBosco\Helpers\Traits\RevisionableExtended; // must come befre regular revionsable trait
    use \Winter\Storm\Database\Traits\Revisionable;

    protected $revisionableRelations = [
        'comments', // comments are now revisionable also they are 1-to-n

    public $hasMany = [
        'comments' => [ ... ],


This traits will cast nested attributes that are stored in e.g. JSON fields.


class MyModel extends Models
    use \StudioBosco\Helpers\Traits\NestedCasts;

    protected $casts = [
      'some.nested.attribute' => 'boolean', // This attribute will be cast to the type or become null if it does not exist.


Default values for daterange filter scopes

You can now use default values for daterange list filters:

        type: daterange
            - 'now'
            - 'now + 1 year'