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Stryber Laravel Log Handler for Laravel Framework

v8.1 2021-03-18 08:44 UTC


Stryber Logo

Stryber Log Handler for Laravel

Table of Contents


  • PHP ^7.4
  • Laravel ^7.0


composer require stryber/laravel-log-handler


You can publish the config files with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="stryber-logging"

Now you have 2 new config files: stryber-logging.php and stryber-logging-middleware.php

The first one, stryber-logging.php, is using to configure laravel logger and will be merged with your logging.php config. In most cases you dont need to change this file, so it's safe to delete or event don't publish.

The second one, stryber-logging-middleware.php is using for populate Stryber\Logger\LoggerMiddleware and collectors constructor params. It already contains some widely used values, but you can change them to fit your project requirements as you want.

After configuration you will able to use Log::channel('stderr') for logging errors and Log::channel('stdout') for other logs. You should remove this channels from logging.php configuration file if you have them.

To use logging middleware for logging every pair of request and response you should use Stryber\Logger\LoggerMiddleware class or it simple alias 'log'