
v0.2 2018-01-21 21:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 04:35:41 UTC


Build Status

The Hydrate module contains all that is needed to hydrate objects from arbitrary data. This data could come from a sql database, a document store, a web API or any other source.


Install using composer:

composer require stratadox/hydrate

Basic Usage

  1. Use the Mapper to create a hydrator that can can build your domain model from the input data:
$hydrator = Mapper::forThe(Book::class)
   ->property('title', Has::one(Title::class)->with('title'))
   ->property('isbn', Has::one(Isbn::class)->with('code', In::key('id'))
   ->property('author', Has::one(Author::class)
       ->with('firstName', In::key('author_first_name'))
       ->with('lastName', In::key('author_last_name'))
  1. Load the data from the data source:
$books = [];
$result = $database->query("SELECT * FROM `book`");
while ($data = $result->row) {
    $books[] = $hydrator->fromArray($data);
  1. All done! Your objects, in this case a bunch of books, are now hydrated as fully fledged object graphs, each containing their related objects, like a Title, an Isbn and an Author.

In fact, the above mapping would transform a query result like this:

| id         | title         | author_first_name | author_last_name | contents                   |
| 1234567890 | Book Title    | John              | Doe              | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amed |
| 9876543210 | Foo, bar, baz | Jackie            | Chan             | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amed |

...into an object structure like this:

array(2) {
  [0] => object(Book)#1 (4) {
    ["title"] => object(Title)#2 (1) {
      ["title"] => string(10) "Book Title"
    ["isbn"] => object(Isbn)#3 (1) {
      ["code"] => string(10) "1234567890"
    ["author"] => object(Author)#4 (2) {
      ["firstName"] => string(4) "John"
      ["lastName"] => string(3) "Doe"
    ["contents"] => string(26) "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amed"
  [1] => object(Book)#1 (4) {
    ["title"] => object(Title)#2 (1) {
      ["title"] => string(10) "Foo, bar, baz"
    ["isbn"] => object(Isbn)#3 (1) {
      ["code"] => string(10) "9876543210"
    ["author"] => object(Author)#4 (2) {
      ["firstName"] => string(4) "Jackie"
      ["lastName"] => string(3) "Chan"
    ["contents"] => string(26) "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amed"


The example above is only the top of the iceberg of possibilities. The Hydrate package provides great (and often unique) features, such as:

  • Producing value objects using multiple keys of the result set
  • Lazy (and extra lazy) loading relationships, even if they're in arrays or immutable collections!
  • Deciding on a concrete implementation at runtime ("single table inheritance")
  • Complete control over data interpretation by calling a Closure to load the property value.
  • ...and more!


The Hydrate package contains no source code (save some integration tests) Instead it composes several sub-packages. These packages are listed below.


Produces objects, complete with data in their properties, without calling constructor functions.

Source Code Implements Build Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Latest Stable Version License

Hydration mapping

Provides instructions to the hydrators on how to map the input data to the object properties.

Source Code Implements Build Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Latest Stable Version License


Provides proxy functionality for lazy loading of objects whose data is not loaded into the system yet.

Source Code Implements Build Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Latest Stable Version License

Hydration mapper

Tools to ease the construction of hydration maps.

Source Code Implements Build Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Latest Stable Version License