
Generate UML class diagrams by reflection for your PHP projects

0.4.0 2023-07-17 13:34 UTC


Generate UML class diagrams by reflection for your PHP projects

Note: This project is in beta stage! Feel free to report any issues you encounter. Note: This project is forked from clue/graph-uml. It supports PHP7 and uses phpunit 7

Quickstart example

Once installed, you can use the following code to draw an UML class diagram for your existing classes:

// initialize an empty graph and the UML class diagram builder
$graph = new Fhaculty\Graph\Graph();
$builder = new Fhaculty\Graph\Uml\ClassDiagramBuilder($graph);

// let's add some classes to the diagram

// display graph as svg image
$graphviz = new Fhaculty\Graph\GraphViz($graph);


The recommended way to install this library is through composer. New to composer?

    "require": {
        "storeman/graph-uml": "0.3.*"

Additionally, you'll have to install GraphViz (dot executable). Users of Debian/Ubuntu-based distributions may simply invoke:

$ sudo apt-get install graphviz

Windows users have to download GraphViZ for Windows and remaining users should install from GraphViz homepage.
