
The ImageCropper is designed to be used in web applications for image handling. It provides functionalities for cropping images and converting them to the WebP format.

Installs: 13

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.0.9 2023-10-25 02:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-25 04:24:02 UTC


  • Bootstrap >= 4.0.0
  • Jquery >= 3.0.0


The ImageCropper is a utility for cropping and manipulating images in a web application. It provides methods for handling image uploads, cropping, and generating base64 encoded image data.


composer require stew/image-cropper
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Stew\ImageCropper\Providers\ImageCropperServiceProvider" --force

HTML Structure

  • To use the ImageCropper class, make sure you have the following HTML structure in your document:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/image-cropper/image-cropper.css"/>
<script src="/path/image-cropper/cropper/cropper.js"></script>
<script src="/path/image-cropper/image-cropper.js"></script>

<div id="avatar-image"></div> <!-- Use this for avatar cropping -->
<div id="drag-image"></div> <!-- Use this for drag and drop image upload -->

@include('view-crop::include._modal-crop-bs4') <!-- For bootstrap4 -->
@include('view-crop::include._modal-crop-bs5') <!-- For bootstrap5 -->


  • To use the ImageCropper class, initialize it with a configuration object:
const imageCropper = new ImageCropper();

Default Configuration Options

  • dragTitle (optional, string): The text to display as the drag-and-drop area title. (default: 'drag & drop to upload').

  • formSelector (optional, string): The selector for the form to attach hidden input fields. (default: 'form)

  • isThumbnail (optional, boolean): Specifies whether to generate a thumbnail image. (default: false).

  • isOriginalName (optional, boolean): Specifies whether to include the original image name. (default: true).

  • thumbnailSize (optional, object): Defines the dimensions of the thumbnail image as an object with width and height properties. (default: { width: 160, height: 160 }).

You can configure the ImageCropper by providing these parameters in the initialization object. For example:

const config = {
    dragTitle: 'Click or drag to upload an image',
    formSelector: '#upload-form',
    isThumbnail: true,
    isOriginalName: false,
    thumbnailSize: { width: 120, height: 120 },
  • If you wish to add image uploading functionality to your Laravel project, you can utilize the Image Uploader package.
composer require stew/image-uploader