
dev-master 2024-01-25 09:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 10:35:07 UTC


EmailHint is a package designed for Laravel that provides correction suggestions for email addresses entered with typing errors. It uses the Levenshtein algorithm to determine the similarity between the entered email and a set of common email domains, suggesting appropriate corrections.


To install the package, use Composer:

composer require steno983/emailhint

After installing the package, you can publish the configuration file (if necessary) with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Steno983\EmailHint\EmailHintServiceProvider"


After publishing the configuration file, you can modify the settings in the config/emailhint.php file. Here you can define the list of common email domains and set other configurations such as the Levenshtein threshold and domain to exclude from the check process.


To use EmailHint, you can rely on the EmailHintService service. Here's an example:

use Steno983\EmailHint\Services\EmailHintService;

$email = '';
$suggestedEmail = EmailHintService::hint($email);

if ($suggestedEmail) {
    echo "Did you mean: $suggestedEmail";
} else {
    echo "No suggestion available.";


  • Suggestions for correcting common errors in email addresses.
  • Customization of common email domains through the configuration file.
  • Customization of the tolerance level for the Levenshtein distance.


Contributions to the package are welcome! Please follow the contribution guidelines:

  • Fork the repository.
  • Create a new branch for each feature or improvement.
  • Submit a pull request with a detailed description.


The EmailHint package is released under the MIT License.