
Simple phpdoc comment parser

1.2.1 2021-08-01 15:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-18 12:25:55 UTC


Simple PHP documentation comment parser. First, install it via composer as follows:

composer require stein197/doxer

And then use it like this:

$docblock = <<<DOC
 * Description.
 * Another line
 * of description.
 * @param int \$age Age parameter.
 * @param string \$name Name
 *                      parameter.
 * @return Person The person.
 * @throws Exception In case of errors.
$doc = new Stein197\Doxer\Doc($docblock);
if ($doc->exists()) { // Checks for existance
	$doc->getDescription(); // "Description. Another line of description."
	foreach ($doc->getTags() as $tag) { // Returns and array of Stein197\Doxer\Tag instances
		$tag->getDescription(); // Handles multiple lines of description
		$tag->getName(); // Returns the name of the tag without "@" char
		foreach ($tag->getProperties() as $name => $value) { // Returns an array of properties
			"$name=$value"; // Tag's properties such as "version", "type", etc.

Each docblock comment can have tags which start with @ sign and each tag can have an array of properties and an optional description. The next list shows which tags are currently supported:

  • @author <name> [<email>]
  • @deprecated [<version>] [<description>]
  • @license [<url>] [<description>]
  • @link <uri> [<description>]
  • @param <type> <name> [<description>]
  • @return <type> [<description>]
  • @see <uri> [<description>]
  • @since <version> [<description>]
  • @var <type> [<name>] [<description>]
  • @uses <uri> [<description>]
  • @throws <type> [<description>]

So for example if tag "@return string A string" is parsed, it's properties will only contain type entry:

$returnTag = (new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @return string A string */'))->getTags()[0];
$returnTag->getDescription(); // "A string"
$returnTag->getProperties(); // ['type' => 'string']

But if the tag does not match any of predefined, then it will be parsed as @tag [<description>]. So for example if tag "@nonexistent string A string" is parsed, all it will contain is a description:

$tag = (new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @nonexistent string A string */'))->getTags()[0];
$tag->getDescription(); // "string A string"
$tag->getProperties(); // null

If tag to be parsed can have properties but has incorrect syntax, properties and description will be nulls:

$tag = (new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @param a b c d */'))->getTags()[0];
$tag->getDescription(); // null
$tag->getProperties(); // null

NOTE! If tag accepts name property which will start with $ sign (@param, @var tags), then after retrieving name property the name will be retrieved without leading "$":

$doc = new Stein197\Doxer\Doc('/** @param Type $arg1 */');
$doc->getTags()[0]->getProperties(); // ['name' => 'arg1']


The only class that is supposed to be used is Stein197\Doxer\Doc, which accepts a docblock string as the only constructor parameter. Then the next methods could be used:

The next table contains list of Stein197\Doxer\Tag public methods:


To run unit tests call the test composer script:

composer run test