
Helps setting up authentication easily

v0.2.1 2020-11-19 08:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 16:46:14 UTC


Pipeline Coverage

When Using CodeIgniter 4, you sometimes need to authenticate a user. This library allows to very easily:

  • Log in a user if their credentials correspond to your model requirement
  • Check if a user is logged in
  • Get the user that is logged in
  • Get an attribute of the logged in user
  • Log out the user

It can be used in controllers, but also in views, models, or even in libraries or helpers.

Set up

To install ci4-auth, simply run composer require steevedroz/ci4-auth in your CodeIgniter 4 root repository.

In order to use it correctly, here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Make a UserModel (that you can call any name) and make it implement SteeveDroz\CiAuth\UserModelInterface.
  2. Add a public method with the signature login(array $user): ?array. That method should take an array with credentials (such as username and password) and return the corresponding full user, or null if the credentials don't match.
  3. Optionnally, create a service called auth in app\Config\Services.php by following the instructions on the official website. Be careful, to call the constructor, you must pass your user model as parameter (see below).
  4. If using the parser to render views, feel free to create a plugin with 'getUser' => 'SteeveDroz\CiAuth\Auth::getUserStatic'. The previous step (i.e. create a service) is not optionnal anymore if you use this feature as getUserStatic uses the auth service.


After set up, you can access the authentication library with service('auth') if you set up the service or by calling new \SteeveDroz\CiAuth\Auth(new UserModel()), UserModel being the one you created in your models.

If you want to keep the original user in the session and not update it with modification from the database on each page, add a second parameter to the constructor and set it to false.

Once you have a variable (or the service) that contains an instance of Auth, you can use the methods below.

Class reference


__construct($model, $refresh = true)

  • $model (SteeveDroz\CiAuth\UserModelInterface) The model that will check the credentials
  • $refresh (bool) If the user is updated on each page

Creates an instance of the authentication library.


  • $user (array) The user containing the credentials that need checking.

Checks the credentials with the model. If they are correct, saves the array to the session under the user key.

Return type



Removes the logged in user from the session.

Return type



Checks if a user is currently logged in.


true if a user was found in the session and false otherwise.

Return type



  • $field (string) The field one wants to retrieve from the user stored in session

If no parameters is given, fetches the user in session and returns it. If a parameter is given, only returns the corresponding attribute in the user in session; for instance, $auth->getUser('firstName') returns $user['firstName'].


The user as an array, or one of its attributes, or null if nothing matches.

Return type



  • $field (array) An array with, as first element, the field one wants to retrieve from the user stored in session

If no parameters is given, fetches the user in session and returns it. If a parameter is given, only returns the corresponding attribute in the user in session; for instance, Auth::getUserStatic(['firstName']) returns $user['firstName'].

This static method is inteded to be used with a parser plugin. For example, if the getUser plugin is created as the example above, it could be used this way: {+getUser email+}. The plugin calls the method by passing all the keywords as an array, hence the paramter type.


The user as an array, or one of its attributes, or null if nothing matches.

Return type
