
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Include your assets more easily in CodeIgniter

v1.0.0 2019-06-13 14:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-09-03 12:49:59 UTC


This package adds a library to your CodeIgniter project in order to easily include assets in your code.


Using composer (recommended)

  1. From your CodeIgniter project, type composer require steevedroz/ci-asset:^1.0.
  2. From the same place, type php vendor/steevedroz/ci-asset/install.php. This will copy the required files to your CodeIgniter project (to application/libraries/Asset.php and application/config/asset.php). :warning: be sure you don't already have a library named Asset.php before running, or your work will be lost!


Merge the application folder of this project to your CodeIgniter application folder.

General use

In order to use this library, you first have to load it using


Once it's done, you can use the library in two steps:

  1. In a controller, add a given asset to your project.
  2. In the <head> part of your view, use the corresponding type to display all the lines needed to include your assets.


To include a CSS file in a specific document, do the following:

  1. Put your file in /assets/css/. For example: /assets/css/example.css.
  2. Use this line before you load the view : $this->asset->css('example');. (this step can be repeated multiple times)
  3. In the <head> part of your view, add this line: <?= $this->asset->css() ?>

This technique works best if you always have the same HTML header.


To include a Javascript file in a specific document, do the following:

  1. Put your file in /assets/js/. For example: /assets/js/example.js.
  2. Use this line before you load the view : $this->asset->js('example');. (this step can be repeated multiple times)
  3. In the <head> part of your view, add this line: <?= $this->asset->js() ?>


Note: application/config/autoload.php loads the library asset.

// application/controllers/Blog.php

class Blog extends CI_Controller
    public function index()


<!-- application/views/templates/header.php -->

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <?= $this->asset->css() ?>
        <?= $this->asset->js() ?>


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/blog.css" type="text/css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/comment.css" type="text/css">
        <script src="assets/js/blog.js" defer></script>


Here are all the possible use of the Asset library.

$asset->css($css = null)

When $css is a string, it adds a CSS to display to the list.

When $css isn't specified, it returns all the lines that will include the CSS sheets previously added.

$asset->js($js = null, $library = false)

When $js is a string, it adds a Javascript to display to the list.

When $js isn't specified, it returns all the lines that will include the Javascripts previously added.

The $library parameter specifies if the script is a library (example: jQuery) that must be loaded before the DOM is ready. If not specified or set to false, the defer keyword will be added to the <script> tag.


This specifies a custom path for CSS files. The default value is assets/css/.


This specifies a custom path for Javascript files. The default value is assets/js/.

Default assets

If you have assets that must be loaded by default on all pages, fill application/config/asset.php as follow:

The asset-js key corresponds to a key-value array containing the name of the script associated with wether it is a library or not.

The asset-css key corresponds to an array of stylesheets.



$config['asset-js'] = [
    'script-name' => false,
    'library-name' => true

$config['asset-css'] = [