
A PHP library splits a full address into country, city, street, and postcode.

0.0.3 2024-01-30 20:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-30 00:59:39 UTC


A PHP library splits a full address into country, city, street, and postcode.


This project can be installed via Composer:

$ composer require staffnowa/address-parser

How to use

You can use the service as follows:

$actualAddress = 'Vilkpėdės g. 12, LT-03151 Vilnius, Lithuania';
$parser = AddressParserFactory::createParser($actualAddress);
$parsedAddress = $parser->parseAddress($actualAddress);

     'country' => $parsedAddress->getCountry(),
     'city' => $parsedAddress->getCity(),
     'street' => $parsedAddress->getStreet(),
     'postocde' => $parsedAddress->getPostcode(),

The output of this command will be:

array(4) {
  string(2) "LT"
  string(7) "Vilnius"
  string(17) "Vilkpėdės g. 12"
  string(5) "03151"