
Twilio API for Laravel

4.1 2019-05-27 16:41 UTC


Laravel Twillio API Integration

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Begin by installing this package through Composer. Run this command from the Terminal:

composer require aloha/twilio

If you're using Laravel 5.5+, this is all there is to do.

Should you still be on older versions of Laravel, the final steps for you are to add the service provider of the package and alias the package. To do this open your config/app.php file.

Integration for older versions of Laravel (5.5 -)

To wire this up in your Laravel project, you need to add the service provider. Open app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


This will register two new artisan commands for you:

  • twilio:sms
  • twilio:call

And make these objects resolvable from the IoC container:

  • Stackout\Twilio\Manager (aliased as twilio)
  • Stackout\Twilio\TwilioInterface (resolves a Twilio object, the default connection object created by the Manager).

There's a Facade class available for you, if you like. In your app.php config file add the following line to the aliases array if you want to use a short class name:

'Twilio' => 'Stackout\Twilio\Support\Laravel\Facade',

In Laravel 4 you can publish the default config file to app/config/packages/aloha/twilio/config.php with the artisan command config:publish aloha/twilio.

In Laravel 5 you can publish the default config file to config/twilio.php with the artisan command vendor:publish --tag=config. Or to ensure you publish only this package's tag use

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --provider=Stackout\Twilio\Support\Laravel\ServiceProvider


The facade has the exact same methods as the Stackout\Twilio\TwilioInterface. First, include the Facade class at the top of your file:

use Twilio;

To send a message using the default entry from your twilio config file:

Twilio::message($user->phone, $message);

One extra feature is that you can define which settings (and which sender phone number) to use:

Twilio::from('call_center')->message($user->phone, $message);
Twilio::from('board_room')->message($boss->phone, 'Hi there boss!');

Define multiple entries in your twilio config file to make use of this feature.


Creating a Twilio object. This object implements the Stackout\Twilio\TwilioInterface.

$twilio = new Stackout\Twilio\Twilio($accountId, $token, $fromNumber);

Sending a text message:

$twilio->message('+18085551212', 'Pink Elephants and Happy Rainbows');

Creating a call:

$twilio->call('+18085551212', '');

Generating a call and building the message in one go:

$twilio->call('+18085551212', function ($message) {
    $message->play('', ['loop' => 5]);

Access the configured Twilio\Rest\Client object:

$sdk = $twilio->getTwilio();

You can also access this via the Facade as well:

$sdk = Twilio::getTwilio();
Pass as many optional parameters as you want

If you want to pass on extra optional parameters to the messages->sendMessage(...) method from the Twilio SDK, you can do so by adding to the message method. All arguments are passed on, and the from field is prepended from configuration.

$twilio->message($to, $message, $mediaUrls, $params);
// passes all these arguments on.

The same is true for the call method.

$twilio->call($to, $message, $params);
// passes all these arguments on.

Dummy class

There is a dummy implementation of the TwilioInterface available: Stackout\Twilio\Dummy. This class allows you to inject this instead of a working implementation in case you need to run quick integration tests.

Logging decorator

There is one more class available for you: the Stackout\Twilio\LoggingDecorator. This class wraps any TwilioInterface object and logs whatever Twilio will do for you. It also takes a Psr\Log\LoggerInterface object (like Monolog) for logging, you know.

By default the service providers don't wrap objects with the LoggingDecorator, but it is at your disposal in case you want it. A possible use case is to construct a TwilioInterface object that logs what will happen, but doesn't actually call Twilio (using the Dummy class):

if (getenv('APP_ENV') === 'production') {
    $twilio = $container->make(\Stackout\Twilio\Manager::class);
} else {
    $psrLogger = $container->make(\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class);
    $twilio = new LoggingDecorator($psrLogger, new \Stackout\Twilio\Dummy());

// Inject it wherever you want.
$notifier = new Notifier($twilio);



laravel-twilio is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license