
A PHP tool dedicated to fastforward JSON collection creation. Handles schema, sample data, translations; generates pages and menu config for UI integration; bundles collections in groups and profiles; run in CLI.

v0.9.8 2021-06-01 21:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 18:08:33 UTC


A PHP tool dedicated to fastforward JSON collection creation.

  • Handles schema, sample data, translations
  • Can generate additional custom config files
  • Bundles collections in groups
  • Run in CLI



$ composer require ssitu/medicis

ssitu/jacktrades will be installed too. It's a very small library of utils.

Ready for CLI

To uses Medicis in CLI, install ssitu/euclid too. It should be suggested by Composer; otherwise:

$ composer require ssitu/euclid


use SSITU\Medicis\MedicisCli;
# OR:
use SSITU\Medicis\MedicisMap;

#If not already summoned:
require_once  'path_to_composer/autoload.php';

# Pick a path to host your collections files:
$pathToCollc = 'path_to_collections_dir/';

# Then:
$MedicisCli = new MedicisCli($pathToCollc, true);
# OR:
$MedicisMap = new MedicisMap($pathToCollc);

Directories will be mkdir'd.


Take a look at files in samples/collections;
And to dip toes in CLI:

$ php samples/bin/medicis


The whole point of Medicis is to write Json schema (and make use of them), easy and quick.

Collections will be arranged in groups.
Groups are bundles of related collections.
Of course, a group can also host a single collection.


To set up a collection:

  • in src/collc : create a sub folder, named after your group of collections. example:

  • then inside that folder, create collection json file(s). File(s) name(s) must be 'group name' dash 'collection name'; example: people-contacts.json and people-activities.json

Each collection file must specify 2 main properties:

  • required | array (required properties; will be used for schema validation),
  • and props | array (schema properties).

props items are objects, each containing 2 properties:

  • method | string
  • and param | array

The shortcut is within method and param: they refer to methods in MedicisModels that will do the heavy work.

Example: people-activities.json:

  "required": ["activity"],
  "props": [
      "method": "String",
      "param": ["activity", "Art historian"]

Related method in MedicisModel:

$MedicisModels->String( $id,
                        $minLen = false,
                        $maxLen = false,
                        $pattern = false);

MedicisModel interface file will serve as a cheat sheet for available methods: Medicis/src/MedicisFamily/MedicisModels_i.php


You can add a config property to each collection; what it may contain is entirely up to you. If collections are going to be integrated in some UI, it could be things like auth level, template used, position in menu, etc.

    "status": "required",
    "auth": 1,
    "template": "collections"

Content will be detached from the src file, into its own file in dist/. As for the other collection files, a bundle is generated when running 'Groups' commands in CLI.

You can also create a similar file for group-wide config, in src/collc/your-group/, naming it after your group: your-group.json. The group bundle file will then include the group config, and wrap collections config in an 'items' property.


For each language your are planning translations, create a file in src/transl folder, named as follow: collections-{language}.json

In CLI, run 'transl' commands for either collections, or groups: source translation files will automatically be populated with keys that requires translation (and you'll get a log).

Note that 'all' commands include translation.

Entries are separated between:

  • 'name' for collections and groups names,
  • and 'prop' for properties titles.

Example collections-en.json

    "people": "People",
    "people-activities": "People | Activities",
    "people-contacts": "People | Contact"
    "name": "Name",
    "addresses": "Addresses",
    "emails": "Emails",
    "websites": "Websites",
    "activity": "Activity"


To generate from there a real schema, dummy data, translation arrays, and optionally some config, in CLI:

  • pick 'Collc'
  • then 'people-activities -> all'

You'll get a log of what worked, failed, have been skipped, etc, and you'll find generated files in dist/people/ folders:
sch, data, config and transl.


In CLI, a 'Group' command will:

  • run action for all group collections at once,
  • plus generate a bundled file for each category. Destination folder: dist/your-group/bundle/.


MedicisCli is fine and dandy for quick, common use operations, but for more targeted operations:

  • use Euclid main tool (in which case, please refer to Euclid doc),
  • or operate from the MetaMedicis class:
$MedicisMap = new MedicisMap($collectionDirPath);
$log = $MedicisMap->getLog();
if (!empty($log['err'])) {
$MetaMedicis = new MetaMedicis($MedicisMap);

A non-exhaustive list of possibilities (cf. interfaces for more):

$MedicisTransl = $MetaMedicis->getMedicisMember('Transl');

$MedicisSchema = $MetaMedicis->getMedicisMember('Schema');

$MedicisCollc = $MetaMedicis->getMedicisMember('Collc');
$MedicisCollc->collcBuild($collcId, $translToo = true);

$MedicisGroup = $MetaMedicis->getMedicisMember('Group');
$MedicisGroup->groupBuild($groupId, $translToo = true);


Sure! You can take a loot at CONTRIBUTING.


This project is under the MIT License; cf. LICENSE for details.