
A loyal companion to format usernames, subdomains and validate them against blacklists.

v0.1.0 2021-06-08 23:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 23:12:13 UTC


A loyal companion to format usernames, subdomains and validate them against blacklists.


  • a map for diacritics replacements;
  • a long list of profanities and reserved words, in multiple languages;
  • a PHP implementation.

A JS implementation may be coming up.
More translations of reserved words could be welcomed.

How to

Just use src/bernardo-diacritics.json or src/bernardo-dictionnary.json if you wish to!

Regarding PHP implementation:

$ composer require ssitu/bernardo
use SSITU\Bernardo;

require_once 'path/to/autoload.php';

$Bernardo = new Bernardo();
# OR
$adtDictionnary = ['qwibqwib','jeffkoons'];
$Bernardo = new Bernardo($adtDictionnary); // will be added to the default one

# All-in-one methods:

$Bernardo->isValidSubDomain($entry, $returnSuggestion = false, $strict = true, $minLen = 4, $maxLen = 20);
$Bernardo->isValidUsername($entry, $returnSuggestion = false, $strict = true, $minLen = 4, $maxLen = 20);

# Cherry-pick methods:

// These 4 methods will handle diacritics substitution:
$Bernardo->formatSubdomain($entry, $minLen = 4, $maxLen = 20);
$Bernardo->formatUsername($entry, $minLen = 4, $maxLen = 20);
$Bernardo->format($entry, $pattern, $toLower = false, $minLen = 4, $maxLen = 20);

// For these 3, diacritics MUST have been handled beforehand (or expect possibly wrong returns):
$Bernardo->isValid($noDiacrEntry, $strict = true);
$Bernardo->strictExtractForbidden($noDiacrEntry, $stopAtFirst = false);

// Adjustements:
$Bernardo->cleanEntry($entry, $matches);
$Bernardo->forceLength($entry, $minLen = 4, $maxLen = 20);

You can also take a look at src/php/Bernardo_test.php.

Too severe?

I suggest to make easily accessible to your users a small, dedicated contact form, in case they feel the filter is too restrictive.


Rodrigo De Almeida Siqueira (ex-project:
Subdomain Blacklist


Sure! 🙌 You can take a loot at CONTRIBUTING.


This project is under the MIT License; cf. LICENSE for details.

Gene Sheldon in the role of Bernardo