
Laravel Slack Library

1.0.0 2020-06-10 12:34 UTC


Laravel Slack API Library - Very Simple Slack API Library for Laravel

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Add the library to your Laravel application by simply running

composer require 'sreedev\laravel-slack' 

After the installation of package and dipendencies publish the config using laravel Artisan command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sreedev\Slack\SlackServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Now you can add your Slack API TOKEN to the .env file. Add SLACK_API_TOKEN=<YOUR_SLACK_API_TOKEN>

Note: To get the Slack API TOKEN you have to create an APP in slack, you can create one by visiting please ensure that you are giving the proper permissions for your App. Once you did setup the app you can find your Bot User OAuth Access Token under the OAuth & Permissions menu inside app settings.


Import the Facade to your Controller

use Sreedev\Slack\Facades\Slack

Once imported you can literally run any Slack API requests as shown bellow

Calling Convention

Take the example of a Slack API Mentiod chat.postMessage($argsArray) , you can access it as


Send a chat message

//to a channel
Slack::chat('postMessage',['channel'=>'#channel_name', 'text'=>'Message to be send');

//to a user
Slack::chat('postMessage',['channel'=>'@username', 'text'=>'Message to be send');