
Laravel 5* Converts database sql to migrations and Seeding

dev-master 2017-02-09 16:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-01 22:08:23 UTC


Laravel 5* Sql Migrations and Seedings

Converts database all table sql to migrations and Seeding.


Step 1: Install Through Composer

composer require sqlmigration/migrations-seedings:"dev-master"

Step 2: Add the Service Provider

Open config/app.php and, add to Sqlmigration\MigrationsSeedings\SqlMigrationServiceProvider::class

'providers' => [
     . . .

Step 3: Run Artisan!

php artisan sql:migration

Options: Ejects table command

php artisan sql:migration --eject="table1,table2,table3"

Example Migration and Seeding

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
// NOTE Migration Created: 2016-11-23 06:41:29
// --------------------------------------------------
class CreateKabakDatabase  extends Migration{
// NOTE - Make changes to the database.
// --------------------------------------------------
public function up()

// NOTE -- blog_categories
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_categories')) {
Schema::create('blog_categories', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('name', 255);
	$table->string('slug', 255)->unique();
	$table->string('description', 255)->nullable();
array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'Test category - 1',
    'slug' => 'test-category-1',
    'description' => 'Test category - 1 Meta Desc',
  1 => 
  array (
    'id' => 2,
    'name' => 'Test category - 2',
    'slug' => 'test-category-2',
    'description' => 'Test category - 2 Meta Desc',
  2 => 
  array (
    'id' => 3,
    'name' => 'Test category - 3',
    'slug' => 'test-category-3',
    'description' => 'Test category - 3 Meta Desc',

   echo "blog_categories table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- blog_comments
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_comments')) {
Schema::create('blog_comments', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('commentext', 255);
	$table->string('ip', 15);
	$table->enum('status', array('pending','publish','spam'))->default('pending');
	$table->timestamp('updated_at')->default(DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'id' => 1,
    'commentext' => 'Client comment text ',
    'post_id' => 2,
    'ip' => '',
    'status' => 'pending',
    'created_at' => '2016-11-05 16:22:53',
    'updated_at' => '2016-11-05 16:22:53',
  1 => 
  array (
    'id' => 2,
    'commentext' => 'Yeni bir yorum',
    'post_id' => 1,
    'ip' => '',
    'status' => 'pending',
    'created_at' => '2016-11-15 19:47:36',
    'updated_at' => '2016-11-15 19:47:36',

   echo "blog_comments table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- blog_post_tag
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_post_tag')) {
Schema::create('blog_post_tag', function(Blueprint $table) {

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'id' => 1,
    'tag_id' => 1,
    'post_id' => 1,
  1 => 
  array (
    'id' => 2,
    'tag_id' => 2,
    'post_id' => 2,
  2 => 
  array (
    'id' => 3,
    'tag_id' => 3,
    'post_id' => 3,

   echo "blog_post_tag table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- blog_posts
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_posts')) {
Schema::create('blog_posts', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('title', 255);
	$table->string('slug', 255)->unique();
	$table->enum('status', array('draft','publish'))->default('publish');
	$table->timestamp('updated_at')->default(DB::raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'));

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'id' => 1,
    'category_id' => 1,
    'title' => 'Test information - 1',
    'summary' => 'Test information - summary - 1',
    'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit \'amet\', consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius eros ut ornare tempus. Cras a ligula lectus. Pellentesque eget tempor arcu. Proin nisl mi, auctor sit amet ornare vitae, egestas sit amet ante. Phasellus sit amet lobortis risus. Nam consectetur nisi consectetur aliquet condimentum. Morbi eu lacus in neque bibendum ultricies vel in risus.',
    'slug' => 'test-information-1',
    'status' => 'publish',
    'comments' => 1,
    'created_at' => '2016-11-05 16:22:52',
    'updated_at' => '2016-11-18 23:44:41',
  1 => 
  array (
    'id' => 2,
    'category_id' => 2,
    'title' => 'Test information - 2',
    'summary' => 'Test information - summary - 2',
    'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius eros ut ornare tempus. Cras a ligula lectus. Pellentesque eget tempor arcu. Proin nisl mi, auctor sit amet ornare vitae, egestas sit amet ante. Phasellus sit amet lobortis risus. Nam consectetur nisi consectetur aliquet condimentum. Morbi eu lacus in neque bibendum ultricies vel in risus.',
    'slug' => 'test-information-2',
    'status' => 'publish',
    'comments' => 0,
    'created_at' => '2016-11-05 16:22:52',
    'updated_at' => '2016-11-05 16:22:52',
  2 => 
  array (
    'id' => 3,
    'category_id' => 3,
    'title' => 'Test information - 3',
    'summary' => 'Test information - summary - 3',
    'content' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius eros ut ornare tempus. Cras a ligula lectus. Pellentesque eget tempor arcu. Proin nisl mi, auctor sit amet ornare vitae, egestas sit amet ante. Phasellus sit amet lobortis risus. Nam consectetur nisi consectetur aliquet condimentum. Morbi eu lacus in neque bibendum ultricies vel in risus.',
    'slug' => 'test-information-3',
    'status' => 'publish',
    'comments' => 0,
    'created_at' => '2016-11-05 16:22:52',
    'updated_at' => '2016-11-16 09:51:03',

   echo "blog_posts table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- blog_tags
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_tags')) {
Schema::create('blog_tags', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('name', 255);
	$table->string('slug', 255)->unique();

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'client',
    'slug' => 'comment-text1',
  1 => 
  array (
    'id' => 2,
    'name' => 'test',
    'slug' => 'comment-text2',
  2 => 
  array (
    'id' => 3,
    'name' => 'summary',
    'slug' => 'comment-text3',

   echo "blog_tags table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- password_resets
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('password_resets')) {
Schema::create('password_resets', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('email', 255);
	$table->string('token', 255);

   echo "password_resets table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- users
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('users')) {
Schema::create('users', function(Blueprint $table) {
	$table->string('name', 255);
	$table->string('email', 255)->unique();
	$table->string('password', 255);
	$table->string('remember_token', 100)->nullable();

   echo "users table already exist.\r\n";

// NOTE -- blog_comments_foreign
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_comments')) {
Schema::table('blog_comments', function(Blueprint $table) {

// NOTE -- blog_post_tag_foreign
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_post_tag')) {
Schema::table('blog_post_tag', function(Blueprint $table) {

// NOTE -- blog_posts_foreign
// --------------------------------------------------
if (!Schema::hasTable('blog_posts')) {
Schema::table('blog_posts', function(Blueprint $table) {

// NOTE - Revert the changes to the database.
// --------------------------------------------------
public function down()

