
A utility to parse editorjs clean data to HTML. Based on editorjs-html by Pavittar Singh

v1.0.0 2023-12-18 19:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-19 03:47:52 UTC


This is a PHP port of editorjs-html by @pavittarx.

editorjs-html is a utility to parse Editor.js clean data (JSON) to HTML.

  • Use it with any PHP framework of your choice.
  • Fast, Efficient and Lightweight.
  • Fully customizable to the core.
  • Supports basic Editor.js blocks which are customizable as well.
  • Extendable for any new or custom Editor.js blocks.

[Note] You don't actually need to convert Editor.js data to HTML for display. For that purpose, simply embed Editor.js in read-only mode.

[Note] This library is mainly for those who needs to convert Editor.js clean data to HTML for other uses, such as for API calls to other systems, or for migration to another editor.



composer require sqkhor/editorjs-html


// Get an array of HTML based on original blocks
$result = edjsHTML::parse($editorjs_clean_data);

// Enclose in <section> for display
$sections = array_map(function ($section) {
  return "<section>$section</section>";
}, $result);

// Join for output
$html = implode("", $sections);
echo $html;


See Releases


Supported Block Types

  • Header (H1-H6)
  • Lists (Ordered & Unordered)
  • Nested Lists
  • Image
  • Delimiter
  • Paragraph
  • Quote
  • Code
  • Embed

Accepted Data Format

The data passed to parse() or parse_strict() could be either an undecoded JSON string, or any JSON-decoded format (supports both stdClass and associative array)

Parse Entire Editor.js Data

  $HTML = edjsHTML::parse($editorjs_data);
  // returns an array of html strings per block

Parse Entire Editor.js Data (Strict Mode)

try {
  $HTML = edjsHTML::parse_strict($editorjs_data);

  // in case of success, returns an array of strings
} catch (\Exception $e) {
  // returns an error when data is invalid

Parse Single Clean Data Block

  $block_HTML = edjsHTML::parse_block($editorjs_data_block);
  // returns a string of html for this block

Get a list of missing parser functions

  // returns a list of missing parser functions
  $block_HTML = edjsHTML::validate($editorjs_data);

Extend For Custom Blocks

To add your own parser functions for unsupported block types, simply extend the edjsHTML class with the block parsers as static methods.

You can even override existing block parsers.

[Note] The name of the methods must match with Editor.js custom block type.


// Your custom editorjs generated block
  type: "custom",
  data: {
    text: "Hello World"
// Parse this block in editorjs-html
class CustomParser extends edjsHTML {
  static public function custom ($block) {
    return "<div class=\"custom-block\">{$block['data']['text']}</div>";

const HTML = CustomParser::parse($editorjs_data);

Design Notes

[Note] This section is not important.

Unlike Javascript/Typescript, which the original library is built on, you can't pass a function as a variable in PHP. This limits the ways we could pass a parser function to the main class.

Therefore I was left with 2 options:

  1. Have separate classes for the main operation and the block parsers. To add your own block parser, extend the parser class and pass it to the main class.
  2. Have block parsers all over the places, then register each of them to the main class.
  3. Have a single class for everything. To add your own block, simply extend the one-and-only class.

#1 and #2 are the proper ways.
#3 is easier to use.

I opted for #3.


MIT Public License


@shuqikhor based on works by @pavittarx