
Set of php functions and tools to help with CCN projects

1.0.0 2019-11-12 14:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-18 21:30:19 UTC


This is a set of PHP functions and tools to help build my PHP projects.

run a phpunit test

You can install phpunit globally with composer global require phpunit.

Once it's installed, run something like : phpunit .\tests\ArrayTest.php to run the ArrayTest tests for example.

Configure debugging with vscode and xdebug

On Windows

  • download xdebug and place in your php ext directory (where there are a lot of php_xxx.dll files)
  • in your php.ini add the following lines (you can change the port if you want)
zend_extension=[absolute path to your php_xdebug.dll]
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
xdebug.remote_log=[choose an absolute path to xdebug.log]

To debug a script, no need to use xdebug, just use the default vscode script config

On Linux

  • sudo apt-get install php-xdebug
  • add the following lines in /etc/php/7.x/mods-available/xdebug.ini
xdebug.show_error_trace = 1
xdebug.remote_autostart = 1
  • sudo service apache2 restart

How to use XDebug

  • check that xdebug is ok by running php -i | grep xdebug
  • in vscode configure xdebug on port 9900 (the one you put in php.ini)

To debug something with xdebug (typically a phpunit test):

  • place a breakpoint somewhere
  • run the xdebug listener in vscode
  • run the command you want like phpunit ./tests/ArrayTest.php
  • if you want to run only some functions, in the test file, add a --filter pattern argument in the phpunit command line


Install phpDocumentor on Windows

  • download the phpdoc.phar from the phpDocumentor website and add it to your PATH
  • create in the same folder as phpdoc.phar, a phpdoc.cmd with this line : @php "%~dp0phpdoc.phar" %* )

Generate the HTML doc

  • cd in the project and run phpdoc.cmd -d ./src -t ./docs


There are some useful tools to help developping this module for example :

  • php ./tools/main.php create_test Array to create a new test file to test the functions in file 'Array.php'