spiritsaint / nova-map-field
Map Field for Laravel Nova
2022-10-22 07:36 UTC
- illuminate/support: ^8.0|^9.0
- matanyadaev/laravel-eloquent-spatial: ^2.0.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-29 10:42:01 UTC
Using this package, you can use spatial fields in Laravel Nova.
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- PHP 8.0.2 or higher
- Laravel 8 or higher
Install the package via composer:
composer require mostafaznv/nova-map-field
Publish config and assets:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\NovaMapFieldServiceProvider"
Create table with spatial fields
<?php return new class extends Migration { public function up() { Schema::create('locations', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->id(); $table->string('title', 150); $table->point('location')->nullable(); $table->polygon('area')->nullable(); $table->multiPolygon('areas')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); }); } };
trait to model<?php namespace App\Models; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\Traits\HasSpatialColumns; class Location extends Model { use HasSpatialColumns; }
Define spatial columns of model
<?php namespace App\Models; use MatanYadaev\EloquentSpatial\Objects\MultiPolygon; use MatanYadaev\EloquentSpatial\Objects\Point; use MatanYadaev\EloquentSpatial\Objects\Polygon; class Location extends Model { use HasSpatialColumns; protected $casts = [ 'location' => Point::class, 'area' => Polygon::class, 'areas' => MultiPolygon::class ]; }
Add map fields to resource
<?php namespace App\Nova\Resources; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\Fields\MapMultiPolygonField; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\Fields\MapPointField; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\Fields\MapPolygonField; class Location extends Resource { public function fields(Request $request): array { return [ MapPointField::make('location'), MapPolygonField::make('area'), MapMultiPolygonField::make('areas'), ]; } }
Map Field Methods
Config Properties
Using Spatial Columns over Application
This package uses Laravel Eloquent Spatial under the hood. to use columns and querying them over the application, please read Laravel Eloquent Spatial documentation
Complete Example
<?php namespace App\Nova\Resources; use App\Nova\Resource; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Laravel\Nova\Fields\ID; use Laravel\Nova\Fields\Text; use App\Models\Location as Model; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\DTOs\MapSearchBoxType; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\DTOs\MapSearchProvider; use Mostafaznv\NovaMapField\Fields\MapPointField; class Location extends Resource { public static string $model = Model::class; public function fields(Request $request): array { return [ ID::make()->sortable(), Text::make('Title') ->sortable() ->rules('required', 'max:255'), MapPointField::make(trans('Location'), 'location') ->defaultLatitude(35.6978527) ->defaultLongitude(51.4037269) ->zoom(14) ->withoutZoomControl() ->withoutZoomSlider() ->withFullScreenControl() ->mapHeight(360) ->hideDetailButton(false) ->markerIcon(3) ->searchProvider(MapSearchProvider::OSM()) ->searchProviderApiKey('api-key') ->withAutocompleteSearch() ->searchAutocompleteMinLength(4) ->searchAutocompleteTimeout(500) ->searchLanguage('fa-IR') ->searchPlaceholder('Placeholder ...') ->searchBoxType(MapSearchBoxType::BUTTON()) ->searchResultLimit(3) ->searchResultKeepOpen(true) ->required() ->requiredOnCreate() ->requiredOnUpdate() ->stacked(), ]; } }
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This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).