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Spindogs coding standards

dev-master 2019-09-19 12:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 00:17:24 UTC


All PHP code MUST abide by the standards as described by PSR-1 and PSR-2. These recommendations can be read in full at http://www.php-fig.org/psr/.

For ease of use, a summary of these standards is described below.

Legacy code

Whilst all new code (including new code added to old files) MUST follow these standards, you are NOT expected to convert any existing legacy code to these standards.


  • All PHP files MUST use the Unix LF (linefeed) line ending


  • Code MUST use 4 spaces for indenting, not tabs

PHP keywords

  • PHP keywords MUST be in lowercase (eg. if, while, for, etc)
  • The PHP constants true, false, and null MUST be in lowercase


PSR-1 standards do not make any recommendation regarding the naming of your code other than stating that a consistent style must be used across the board. As a result, Spindogs prefers the following naming styles:

  • Constants MUST be declared in UPPERCASE (with underscore separators)
  • Class names MUST be declared in TitleCase
  • Method names MUST be declared in camelCase
  • Property names MUST be declared in snake_case
  • Variables MUST be declared in snake_case

Global functions

The use of global functions SHOULD be avoided at every opportunity, instead helper functions should be encapsulated within a class


Visibility (public, protected, private) MUST be declared on all properties

namespace Vendor\Package;

class ClassName
    public $foo = null;


  • Visibility (public, protected, private) MUST be declared on all methods
  • Hanging brace - the opening brace MUST go on its own line
  • When present, the static declaration MUST come after the visibility


 * @param int $arg1
 * @param string $arg2
 * @param array $arg3
 * @return void
public static function fooBarBaz($arg1, &$arg2, $arg3 = [])
    //method body


All methods MUST have a docblock associated with them. At the very minimum, this docblock MUST document the @param types for each method parameter.

It is also recommended that every method SHOULD use the @return tag in order to keep docblocks consistent (use @return void for methods that have no return value).

Control structures

  • There MUST be one space after the control structure keyword
  • The opening brace MUST be on the same line as the control structure keyword
  • There MUST be one space between the closing parenthesis and the opening brace
  • The keyword elseif SHOULD be used instead of else if


if ($expr1) {
    //if body
} elseif (isset($expr2) && isset($expr3)) {
    //elseif body
} else {
    //else body;

A foreach statement looks like the following:

foreach ($iterable as $key => $value) {
    //foreach body


The variable name SHOULD accurately describe what is does. However, the following variable names are allowed in special cases:

$q; //used for SQL queries
$i; //used as a pointer within a loop
$r; //used within a loop to denote a row array/object


Variables MUST NOT be placed inside a string with double quotes:

echo "Hello world, my name is $user_name - nice to meet you";

At every opportunity, single quotes SHOULD be preferred for delimiting strings. The only exception is when displaying a special character such as a line return:

echo 'Hello world, nice to meet you'."\n";


Arrays with a small number of indices MAY be declared using the inline format (taking notice of the whitespaces):

$arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

For larger arrays that do not fit on one line (80 characters), the multiline format MUST be used:

$arr = [
    'First' => 1,
    'Second' => 2,
    'Third' => 3,
    'Fourth' => 'Hello',
    'Fifth' => 'World'

Special operators

If you spotted the security implications in the examples below surrounding echoing variables out un-escaped then well done, give yourself a big pat on the back!

For non complicated statements, the terniary operator format MAY be used (taking notice of the whitespaces):

<?= isset($variable_name) ? $variable_name : 'Default value'; ?>

In order to aid readability, the null coalescing operator MAY be used to provide a default value if a variable doesn't exist:

<?= $variable_name ?? 'This variable is null'; ?>

Similarly, the elvis operator MAY be used to provide a default value if a variable is not truthy:

<?= $variable_name ?: 'This variable is not truthy (ie. null/0/false)'; ?>


All database tables MUST be named using TitleCase and singularly (to match model name):


All database columns MUST be named using snake_case:


Code Editors


You can install the Atom Beautify package and configure it to use Spindogs coding standards each time you save a PHP file https://github.com/Glavin001/atom-beautify.

  1. Download latest php-cs-fixer.phar to your PHP directory on local machine https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer#installation

  2. Clone this GIT repository to a location on your local machine https://github.com/spindogs/phpcs

  3. Install atom-beautify package from settings screen

  4. Configure path to the php-cs-fixer.phar executable

  5. Configure path to the Spindogs .php_cs.dist file

  6. Enable PHP files to beautify on save