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Spikkl Address Lookup plugin for WooCommerce

v1.6.8 2021-04-20 08:22 UTC


Spikkl address lookup plugin for WooCommerce

The Spikkl Address Lookup plugin incorporates the Spikkl Postcode API on your Wordpress WooCommerce checkout page.

Build Status


To use the Spikkl Address Lookup plugin, the following things are required:

  • Get yourself a free Spikkl account. No sign up costs.
  • Follow a few steps to enable a suitable subscription to talk to the API.
  • A valid API key which can be generated from your Spikkl dashboard.
  • PHP >= 5.6, Wordpress >= 4.4, and WooCommerce >= 3.1.0


The easiest way to install the Spikkl Address Lookup plugin is via the plugin menu. Click the 'Add new' button and search for the 'Spikkl Address Lookup' plugin in the search field. Once you found the plugin, click 'Install Now', and Wordpress will take if from there.


If you like to install the plugin manually, download the latest release of the Spikkl Address Lookup plugin and upload it to the web server using your FTP-client. Wordpress has provided the instructions how to do that.


The configuration settings for the Spikkl Address Lookup plugin can be accessed from the Address Lookup page in the Settings menu or via the Settings link in the plugin overview.

In order to add address validation to the checkout process, an API key is required, and the plugin needs to be enabled.


BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) License. Copyright (c) 2020, Spikkl


Contact: www.spikkl.nlsupport@spikkl.nl