Packages from specialistaweb

  • JavaScript


    TYPO3 CMS - all-in-one: settings within news plugin - fast & cool way to change the output of news, List view 5 layouts (default, card, carousel, newsletter) and swiper slider with some effects

  • HTML


    TYPO3 CMS - only for bootstrap5 + boostrap package v.11+ - CIRCLE rollover effetcts from tympanus for cType textmedia, media, images, textpic - Only for bootstrap package 12+ with Bootstrap 5.x (SCSS)

  • HTML


    TYPO3 CMS - only for bootstrap5 + boostrap package v.11+ - ORIGINAL HOVER EFFECTS - cType supported: textmedia, media and images - Only for Bootstrap Package 12 + Bootstrap 5.x (SCSS) (bootstrap_package)

  • HTML


    only for bootstrap5 + boostrap package v.12+ - cool multicolumn rendering with seven boxes layouts for cType textmedia, media, textpic and images; bootstrap package needed. Useful for menu, gallery, other. Highly customizable

  • HTML


    useful to change the output layout for text/image (also said: textpict) content under boostrap 4 so you can get different size for text or image cols and not only the 50%-50% split