The best library for CSV manipulation in the whole of Coleraine

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

0.4.11 2022-12-15 16:16 UTC


CSV parsing at its best, made by Spatialest.


composer require spatialest/csv

What does it do?

This library implements a CSV parser that complies with RFC 4180. The parser is directly ported from Golang's Standard Library csv.Reader struct.

It can read csv from any data source that implements the Spatialest\Csv\Io\Reader interface.


  • Removes UTF Byte Order Marks
  • Normalizes lines by removing carriage returns
  • Handles new lines in quoted fields correctly (fgetcsv does not)
  • Provides errors with line, record and column numbers
  • Provides distinction between parsing errors and column mismatch errors
  • Provides useful iteration primitives

Basic Usage

You can just create a Spatialest\Csv\RFC4180\Reader from a file and then iterate over all the records.

use Spatialest\Csv\Io\HttpGet;
use Spatialest\Csv\RFC4180\Reader;

$reader = Reader::fromReader(HttpGet::request(''));
$iterator = $reader->getIterator();

foreach ($reader as $record) {
    fwrite(STDOUT, json_encode($record, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR).PHP_EOL);

if ($iterator->hasErrors()) {
    echo 'DANGER: There are '.count($iterator->getErrors()).' errors.';