
Mediaplayer App for Datapool PHP framework

v3.1.0 2024-05-19 19:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-19 19:39:39 UTC



The MediaPlayer app adds a video playlist feature to the Datapool web application. The app is added as a web page within the category Apps of Datapool. The MediaPlayer app is the first app to implement the Datapool App interface, and in a way this was the motivation for creating this app.

The user interface (web page)

After a playlist was created whithin the selected Group and Folder it can be played in a loop in descending or ascending order. Clicking one of the two play buttons buttons below the player will start the loop. The direction is descending by clicking the left button and ascending by clicking the right button.

Web page screenshot

Videos can be skipped by clicking the same play button again.

How does it work?

Datapool stores videos as well as other media as entries in the database table multimedia. The video files themself are stored in the filespace folder. Any video from multimedia can be linked to a MediaPlayer playlist entry. The available videos are displayed in a list from which they can be selected.

Playlists are organised within Groups and Folders. Technically a playlist is a collection of entries within the same Group and Folder with each playlist entry pointing to a video entry.

Everything at Datapool is based on entries (multi-dimensional arrays) with a common structure of first level array keys Source, Group, Folder, Name, EntryId etc. The value of entry['Source'] is equivalent to the database table, the other keys are equivalent to the database columns.

While the web page is loading, all videos of the playlist are copied into the www-temporary-directory. The corresponding file names with locations are presented on the webpage as href-attributes of hidden a-tags. Inline javascript collects all file names with locations from the a-tags and loads the first file into the src-tag of the video player. When a video is finished, a new video is loaded into the player.

Background information

The class MediaPlayer.php will be instantiated by Datappol's Root.php. Using the Datapool web application (when MediaPlayer is selected) Root.php will call the run method of SourcePot\MediaPlayer\MediaPlayer. The run method creates the html code enveloped by the web page's main-tags. The file content of MediaPlayer.js and MediaPlayer.css files is loaded into the webpage as inline css and js code. This is necessary because these files are not located in the www-directory. When installed they will be located in a vendor subdirectory.