
A lightweight Access Control package for Laravel 5.6 and above.

v1.0.2 2018-06-26 14:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 21:30:15 UTC


A lightweight Access Control package for Laravel 5.6 and above.

This package allows you to manage roles for your users, its very lightweight and require no extra dependencies.


Via Composer

$ composer require soumen-dey/laravel-role

For Laravel 5.5 and above the service provider will automatically get registered. Still if it is not registered, just add the service provider in config/app.php file.

'providers' => [
    // ...


The migrations for this package will automatically run when you run the php artisan:migrate command.

Note: Make sure that you have your associated model table already migrated before using the php artisan migrate command for this package.


You need to publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Soumen\Role\RoleServiceProvider" --tag="role.config"

This will publish role.php file under the config directory.

You can use this package without modifying the default configurations. The defaults are set to work with the Laravel's default model for auth which is the User model. However you can change the configurations based on your need.

The configurations are:

'table_name' => 'roles',
'pivot_name' => 'role_user',
'associated_model' => App\User::class,
'associated_model_table_name' => 'users',

Note: If you change the default User model, make sure to change the model's table name and the pivot table name.

'associated_model_table_name' => 'admins', // Make sure to change this value
'associated_model' => App\Admin::class,

Tip: If you assign a null value to the pivot table name, this package will automatically generate the pivot table name for you.

'pivot_name' => null, // this package will automatically generate the table name



Add the Soumen\Role\Traits\HasRoles to your User model or any other model that you want to associate roles with. That's it! You are all set to go!

use Soumen\Role\Traits\HasRoles;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use HasRoles;

    // ...

Creating Roles

You can create new roles:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$role = Role::create(['moderator', 'editor', 'admin']);
$role = Role::create('moderator', 'editor', 'admin');
$role = Role::create('moderator');

You can pass an array of role names or several role names at once.

Retrieving Roles

You can retrieve the roles by one of these methods:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$role = Role::find(1);
$role = Role::find('admin');

Retrieve a role by its id

$role = Role::findById(1);

Retrieve a role by its name

$role = Role::findByName('admin');

All these methods will throw a RoleNotFound exception if a role is not found, to change this behavior pass a second optional argument as true, in such case the method will return null if a role is not found.

$role = Role::find(1, true); // will not throw an exception
$role = Role::findById(1, true); // will not throw an exception
$role = Role::findByName('admin', true); // will not throw an exception

A role can also be created if not found:

$role = Role::findOrCreate('editor'); // will return the Role instance

Check if a role exists:

$role = Role::exists('admin');

If a role exists, this method will return the Role instance else it will return false.

Assigning Roles to the model

Roles can be easily assigned by using one of these methods:

$user = User::find(1);

$user->assignRoles('admin', 'moderator');

You can also assign roles by their id or their model instances:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$role1 = Role::find('admin');
$role2 = Role::find('moderator');

$user->assignRoles(1, 2);
$user->assignRoles($role1, $role2);

You can also pass an array:

$user->assignRoles([1, 2]);
$user->assignRoles([$role1, $role2]);
$user->assignRoles(['admin', 'moderator']);

There is also an assignRole() method that does the same thing.

Revoking roles from the model

Roles can be revoked or removed from the model by one of these methods:

By their id

$user = User::find(1);

$user->revokeRoles(1, 2);
$user->revokeRoles([1, 2]);

By their name:

$user->revokeRoles('admin', 'moderator');
$user->revokeRoles(['admin', 'moderator']);

By the Role instance:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$role1 = Role::find('admin');
$role2 = Role::find('moderator');

$user->revokeRoles($role1, $role2);
$user->revokeRoles([$role1, $role2]);

This package is very flexible, in an extreme scenario you can also do this and still it won't complain :) :

$role3 = Role::find('editor');

$user->revokeRoles(1, 'moderator', $role3);
$user->revokeRoles([1, 'moderator', $role3]);

There is also a removeRole() method that does the same thing.

Sync Roles

Roles can be removed at once by the above methods, but roles can be removed and assigned at the same time:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$admin = Role::find('admin');
$moderator = Role::find('moderator');

$user->syncRoles(1, 2);
$user->syncRoles($admin, $moderator);
$user->syncRoles('admin', 'moderator');

You can also pass an array of either role name, id or Role instance.

Role associations with the model

The HasRoles trait adds Eloquent Relationship to the associated model, so you can do this:

$user = User::find(1);

$user->roles; // returns a collection of associated Role instances

Names of the associated roles can be fetched:

$user->getRoleNames(); // returns an array of associated role names

The HasRoles trait also adds a role scope to your models to scope the query to certain roles:

$users = User::role('editor')->get(); // Returns only users with role 'editor'

It can be also used as:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$admin = Role::find('admin');
$roles = Role::whereIn('id', [1, 2])->get();

$users = User::role(1)->get(); // integer as the parameter
$users = User::role($admin)->get(); // Role instance as the parameter
$users = User::role($roles)->get(); // Collection of Role instances as the parameter
$users = User::role('admin')->get(); // string as the parameter

Determining Role associations

Check if the model has any of the specified roles (OR):

Using the role id:

$user = User::find(1);

$user->hasRole([1, 2]);

Using the role name:

$user->hasRole(['admin', 'moderator']);

Using the Role instance:

use Soumen\Role\Models\Role;

$admin = Role::find('admin');
$moderator = Role::find('moderator');

$user->hasRole([$admin, $moderator]);

You can also do this:

$user->hasRole([1, 'editor', $moderator]);

There is another method available:

$user->hasAnyRole(1, 2, 3); // returns true or false
$user->hasAnyRole(1, $moderator, 'editor'); // returns true or false
$user->hasAnyRole('admin', 'moderator', 'editor'); // returns true or false

The only difference between hasRole() and hasAnyRole() is that you can pass as many arguments as you like to the hasAnyRole() method.

Note that both these methods returns a boolean.

Check if the model has all the specified roles (AND):

$user->hasAllRoles(1, 2, 3); // returns true or false
$user->hasAllRoles(1, $moderator, 'editor'); // returns true or false
$user->hasAllRoles('admin', 'moderator', 'editor'); // returns true or false

This method returns true only if all the specified roles are associated with the model, else it returns false.

The is() method

This method is a quick way of determining if a model has a certain role. It is a very simple method and is faster than the above methods (the performance difference is very small, almost negligible).

$user->is('admin') // returns true or false

This method only accept one string argument which is the name of the role.

Using the Middleware

This package comes with RoleMiddleware middleware. You can add it inside your app/Http/Kernel.php file.

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    // ...
    'role' => \Soumen\Role\Middlewares\RoleMiddleware::class,

You can protect your routes using the middleware:

Route::group(['middleware' => ['role:admin']], function () {

You can also use the middleware in a single route:

Route::get('/', 'SomeController@method')->middleware('role:admin');

You can specify multiple roles in the middleware by separating them with a , comma:

Route::get('/', 'SomeController@method')->middleware('role:admin,editor');

Note: The above method will determine if the model has any one (OR) of the specified roles.

To determine if a model has all (AND) of the specified roles, use the required flag:

Route::get('/', 'SomeController@method')->middleware('role:required,admin,editor');

Note: The required flag should be right after the middleware name, which in this case is role. Thus the string should look like:


Using Blade Directive

By default, this package does not ship with any custom blade directive but you can add one easily. Assuming the default associated model is the User model, just follow the steps:

In your app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php add the following inside the boot method:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;

public function boot() 
    // ..
    Blade::if('role', function ($rolename) {
        return auth()->check() && auth()->user()->is($rolename);

You can now use the directive:

    The user is an admin!
    The user is not an admin!

For a more role specific directive:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Blade;

public function boot() 
    // ..
    Blade::if('admin', function () {
        return auth()->check() && auth()->user()->is('admin');

You can now use the directive:

    The user is an admin!
    The user is not an admin!

Or if you don't want any custom directive, you can do:

    The user is an admin!
    The user is not an admin!

Change log

Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email me at



This package is released under the MIT License (MIT). Please see the license file for more information.