
check how controller path go

V1.0.11 2023-10-27 08:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-27 12:34:57 UTC


  1. In your terminal:
composer require sonph/survey_admin
  1. Publish the config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sonphait\SurveyAdmin\SurveyServiceProvider"
  1. Run migration:
   php artisan migrate
  1. Run seeder:
   php artisan db:seed --class=SurveySeeder
  1. Go to index page: "admin/survey/index"
  2. [optional] Change values in config/survey-manager.php (route prefix, middleware, file upload max size, ...)
  3. [optional] To test function upload image to S3 when editing survey, uncomment save image to S3 code in public/vendor/survey-manager/js/create_survey.js
  4. To create FILE question which use S3 storage when uploading file from client site, make properties 'storeDataAsText' value to false => uncomment code in public/vendor/survey-manager/js/create_survey.js
  • Note: To use S3 as file storage, change value of 'admin_s3_url' and 'admin_s3_folder' in config/survey-manager.php to where you save file on S3