A library for managing DOM documents. This library is part of the SoloProyectos PHP API.

Installs: 723

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 4

Watchers: 1

Forks: 1


1.4.1 2018-01-29 06:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 20:58:59 UTC


A library to manage XML documents in an easy and intuitive way.


This library uses composer as dependency manager. Just create a composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.5.0",
        "soloproyectos-php/dom-node": "~1.0"

And install the dependencies

php composer.phar install

# or execute the following command if you have installed 'composer' globally
composer install 

See the composer tutorial for more info:


Create nodes from a given source:

  • DomNode::createFromElement($element): creates an instance from a DOMElement object
  • DomNode::createFromNode($node): creates an instance from a DomNode object
  • DomNode::createFromString($string): creates an instance from a string

Basic methods:

  • DomNode::document(): gets the internal DOMDocument instance
  • DomNode::elements(): gets internal DOM elements
  • DomNode::name(): gets the node name
  • DomNode::parent(): gets the parent node or a null value
  • DomNode::root(): gets the root node
  • DomNode::query($cssSelectors): finds nodes using CSS selectors
  • DomNode::xpath($expression): finds nodes using XPath expressions
  • DomNode::remove(): removes the node from the document
  • DomNode::clear(): removes all child nodes
  • DomNode::data($name, [$value]): gets or sets arbitrary data
  • DomNode::append($string): appends inner XML text
  • DomNode::prepend($string): prepends inner XML text
  • DomNode::html([$string]): gets or sets inner XML text
  • DomNode::text([$string]): gets or sets inner text


  • DomNode::attr($name, [$value]): gets or sets an attribute
  • DomNode::hasAttr($name): checks if a node has an attribute

CSS attributes:

  • DomNode::css($name, [$value]): gets or sets a CSS attribute
  • DomNode::hasCss($name): checks if a node has a CSS attribute


  • DomNode::addClass($className): adds a class to the node
  • DomNode::hasClass($className): checks if a node has a class
  • DomNode::removeClass($className): removes a class from the node

Basic Examples

Create instances

Create a simple node:

// creates a simple node with two attributes and inner text
$item = new DomNode("item", array("id" => 101, "title" => "Title 101"), "Inner text here...");
echo $item;

Create a complex node:

// in this case we use a callback function to add complex structures into the node
$root = new DomNode("root", function ($target) {
    // adds three subnodes
    for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
        $target->append(new DomNode("item", array("id" => $i, "title" => "Title $i"), "This is the item $i"));
    // appends some XML code
    $target->append("<text>This text is added to the end.</text>");
    // prepends some XML code
    $target->prepend("<text>This text is added to the beginning</text>");
echo $root;

Create instances from a given source:

// creates an instance from a string
$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// creates an instance from a given DOMElement
$doc = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8");
$doc->loadXML('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');
$xml = DomNode::createFromElement($doc->documentElement);

Use the query method

You can use the same query function to retrieve either single or multiple nodes.

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// selects and prints all items
$items = $xml->query("item");
foreach ($items as $item) {
    echo $item . "\n";

// select and prints a single item
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 102]");
echo $item;

Use the attr, text and html methods:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString(file_get_contents("test.xml"));

// prints books info
$books = $xml->query("books item");
foreach ($books as $book) {
    echo "Title: " . $book->attr("title") . "\n";
    echo "Author: " . $book->attr("author_id") . "\n";
    echo "ISBN: " . $book->query("isbn")->text() . "\n";
    echo "Available: " . $book->query("available")->text() . "\n";
    echo "Description: " . $book->query("description")->text() . "\n";
    echo "---\n";

// gets the number of items
echo "Number of items: " . count($books);

// prints inner XML text
$genres = $xml->query("genres");
echo $genres->html();

Use the attr, text and html methods to change contents:

In the previous example we used attr, text and html for getting contents. In this example we are use the same methods to change the document.

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// changes or adds attributes and inner texts
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 102]");
$item->attr("id", 666);
$item->attr("title", "Item 666");
$item->text("I'm an inner text");
echo $item;

// changes inner contents
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 103]");
$item->html('<subitem>I am a subitem</subitem>');
echo $item;

Use prepend and append methods:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// appends contents
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 102]");
$item->append('<subitem id="102.1" title="Subitem title">This text goes to the end...</subitem>');
echo $xml;

// appends a DomNode object
$item->append(new DomNode("subitem", array("id" => "102.1", "title" => "Subitem title"), "Some inner text here ..."));
echo $xml;

// appends a DomNode object and calls the `callback` function
$item->prepend(new DomNode("subitem", array("id" => "102.2", "title" => "Subitem title"), function ($target) {
    $target->text("I'm the first child node ...");
echo $xml;

Use the remove and clear methods:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// removes a single item
$item = $xml->query("item[id = 103]");
echo $xml;

// removes a list of items
$items = $xml->query("item:even");
echo $xml;

// removes all chid nodes
echo $xml;


You can concatenate multiple methods in the same line:

$xml = DomNode::createFromString('<root><item id="101" /><item id="102" /><item id="103" /></root>');

// changes and prints the node in the same line
echo $xml->query("item[id = 102]")->attr("title", "Item 102")->text("Some text...")->append("<subitem />");