solophp / database
Lightweight and flexible PHP database wrapper with support for multiple database types, query building, and optional logging.
2025-02-22 16:33 UTC
- php: >=8.2
- ext-pdo: *
- solophp/logger: ^v1.0
Lightweight and flexible PHP database wrapper with support for multiple database types, query building, and optional logging.
composer require solophp/database
- Support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and other PDO-compatible databases
- Safe query building with type-specific placeholders
- Configurable fetch modes (arrays or objects)
- Query preparation without execution
- Optional table prefixing
- Integration with PSR-3 compatible Solo Logger
- Transaction support
- Clean and flexible API with method chaining
- PHP 8.2+
- PDO extension
- Solo Logger ^1.0
Basic Configuration
use Solo\Database\{Config, Connection}; use Solo\Logger; use PDO; // Configure database connection with object fetch mode $config = new Config( hostname: 'localhost', username: 'user', password: 'pass', dbname: 'mydb', prefix: 'prefix_', fetchMode: PDO::FETCH_OBJ // Or PDO::FETCH_ASSOC for arrays ); // Create connection with optional logging $logger = new Logger('/path/to/logs/db.log'); $connection = new Connection($config, $logger); $db = new Database($connection);
Query Examples
// 1) Basic SELECT $users = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ?t", 'users')->fetchAll(); // By default, rows are fetched with the configured fetch mode (e.g., PDO::FETCH_OBJ) // 2) INSERT with an associative array $userData = [ 'name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => '', 'age' => 25, 'created_at' => new DateTimeImmutable() ]; $db->query("INSERT INTO ?t SET ?A", 'users', $userData); // 3) INSERT multiple rows (bulk INSERT) $data = [ ['John', 30], ['Alice', 25], ]; $db->query("INSERT INTO ?t (name, age) VALUES ?M", 'users', $data); // Generates: INSERT INTO `prefix_users` (name, age) VALUES ('John', 30), ('Alice', 25) // 4) SELECT with different fetch modes // Using default fetch mode $usersDefault = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ?t", 'users')->fetchAll(); // Override fetch mode for a specific query $userAssoc = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ?t WHERE id = ?i", 'users', 1) ->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // 5) SELECT with IN clause $ids = [1, 2, 3]; $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ?t WHERE id IN ?a", 'users', $ids) ->fetchAll(); // 6) SELECT with a dynamic column name $column = 'email'; $userEmail = $db->query("SELECT ?c FROM ?t WHERE id = ?i", $column, 'users', 1) ->fetch(); // 7) Transactions example try { $db->beginTransaction(); // Insert $orderData = ['product' => 'Laptop', 'quantity' => 1, 'user_id' => 1]; $db->query("INSERT INTO ?t SET ?A", 'orders', $orderData); // Update $amount = 799.99; $userId = 1; $db->query( "UPDATE ?t SET balance = balance - ?f WHERE id = ?i", 'accounts', $amount, $userId ); $db->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $db->rollBack(); throw $e; } // 8) Prepare a query without executing it $sql = $db->prepare( "SELECT * FROM ?t WHERE user_id = ?i AND status = ?s", 'orders', 15, 'pending' ); // Returns a prepared SQL string, e.g.: // SELECT * FROM prefix_orders WHERE user_id = 15 AND status = 'pending' // 9) Single Column Fetch // Fetch the first column from the next row in the result set $email = $db->query("SELECT email FROM ?t WHERE id = ?i", 'users', 1)->fetchColumn(); if ($email !== false) { echo "User email: $email"; } else { echo "No user found!"; } // If your query returns multiple columns, specify the column index: $db->query("SELECT id, email FROM ?t WHERE id = ?i", 'users', 2); $id = $db->fetchColumn(0); // 'id' column $email = $db->fetchColumn(1); // 'email' column
Query Placeholders
- String (safely quoted)?i
- Integer?f
- Float?a
- Array (for IN statements)?A
- Associative Array (for SET statements)?t
- Table name (with prefix)?c
- Column name (safely quoted)?d
- Date (expects DateTimeImmutable, formats according to database type)?l
- Like condition (adds % wildcards)?M
- Array of arrays (for multi-row INSERT queries)?r
- Raw parameter (unescaped)
Database Support
The library automatically handles date formatting for different database types:
- PostgreSQL:
Y-m-d H:i:s.u P
- MySQL:
Y-m-d H:i:s
- SQLite:
Y-m-d H:i:s
- SQL Server:
Y-m-d H:i:s.u
Y-m-d H:i:s
Y-m-d H:i:s
Return Types
The library provides type-safe return values:
fetchAll(?int $fetchMode = null)
: Returnsarray<int|string, array|stdClass>
fetch(?int $fetchMode = null)
: Returnsarray|stdClass|null
fetchColumn(int $columnIndex = 0)
: Returnsmixed
(the value of the column or false if no more rows)rowCount()
: Returnsint
: Returnsstring|false
Error Handling
All database operations are wrapped in try-catch blocks and will throw exceptions with detailed error messages when queries fail. When a logger is configured, all errors are automatically logged with relevant context information.
MIT License. See LICENSE file for details.