
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-master) of this package.

dev-master 2014-03-25 04:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 04:04:09 UTC


This package came up with a structure and a database design for a scalable notifications system for web applications. It provides an easy and extensible way to manage notifications for your web application.

The goal of the package is to provide a fast and extensible way to generate a notification like this:

User Foo has added a new Photo to Birthday album.


Currently only a installation guide for Laravel 4 framework are provided.

  • todo - add the package on packagist

  • Run database migrations

php artisan migrate --bench=softservlet/notification

  • Add notification service provider to `app/config/app.php


  • Define the Notificable object in your application

The package gives you the opportunity to decide who will receive the notifications. You need to implements the NotificableInterface from Softservlet\Notification namespace.

The method getId() must return a unique id specify to each user. Where you define IoC bindings in Laravel 4 write:

App::bind('Softservlet\Notification\NotificableInterface', 'YourApp\User');

More about IoC binding on Laravel documentation.

How to use

A notification is made by a notifier object and an actor. A notification belongs to atleast one user.

Create a notification

First thing before creating a notification is to understand the notification object and notification actor terms.

Let's analyse the next notification:

Foo user has been received a Like to a Photo with name Summer.

This could be a rendered notification(we'll see later how to render a notification).

We can abstracting that sentence and identify three main objects:

  • Foo user - which implements NotificableInterface
  • Photo - a photo which name is Summer
  • Like - a like object

A good place to write this code is in a NotificationController from your application. I'll skip this step.

//create a user which implements NotificableInterface
$user = User::find(5);
//define the Photo object
$photo = Photo::find(12); //get the Photo object with id 12
//get the like object of this photo
$like = Photo::like()->first(); //a basic Eloquent usage
//let's create a notification of this objects
$object = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Notification\NotificationEntityInterface', array($photo, 12));
$actor = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Notification\NotificationEntityInterface', array($like, $like->getId()));

From now, we can create a notification and attach this to the $user

//create an instance of notification repository
$notificationRepository = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Repositories\NotificationRepositoryInterface');
//create the notification 
$notification = $notificationRepository->create($object, $actor);
//attach this notification to the user
$notificationRepository->attach($user, $notification);

At this moment, the notification should exists in your database, and the user should be notified about it.

Send a notification to a list of users

The simplest way to notify an array of users is to use Softservlet\Notication\Notifier object.

$notifier = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Notifier\NotifierInterface', $notificableArray);
Resolving notifications - Mapper

We've seen how to create a notification, let's discover how to handle it and generate an expected output.

The package requires to know what happens when you have a specify kind of notification object and a specify notification actor.

Here we introduce a new keyword - Mapper. A mapper is an array and looks like:

$mapper = array
		'object'	=> 'App\Photo',
		'actor'		=> 'App\Like',
		'single'	=> function($notification)
			//a dummy repository of photos
			$photoRepository = new photoRepository();
			//here we get the photo based on the ID that we've passed 
			//as parameter to NotificationEntity

			$photo = $photoRepository->find($notification->getObject()->getId());
			//a dummy likes repository
			$likeRepository = new likesRepository;
			//get the like object
			$like = $likeRepository->find($notification->getActor()->getId());
			return $photo->author()->username .' has received a new like from '. $like->author()->username;

###Mapper standard Todo

###A complete workflow

//let's create a notification of this objects
//in this example we want to notify a User that a Photo has been Created

//create the object we want to nofify - in our case the Photo
$object = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Notification\NotificationEntityInterface', array('Photo'));
//create an actor of the notification, in our case will be Create verb
$actor = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Notification\NotificationEntityInterface', array('Created', 15));

//we need to notify someone about this notification
//so we create a instance of an object which implements NotificableInterface
$notificable = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\NotificableInterface');
$notificable = $notificable->find(1);  //??????

//create an instance of notification repository
$notificationRepository = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Repositories\NotificationRepositoryInterface');

//create the notification - each notification is made by an object
//and an actor
$notification = $notificationRepository->create($object, $actor);

//once a notification is created, you can attach it to multiple users
$notificationRepository->attach($notificable, $notification);

//mapper array - the standard is defined in documentation
$mapper = array
                'object'	=> 'Photo',
                'actor'		=> 'Created',
                'single'	=> function($notification)
                        return 'xyzABCD';
                'group'		=> function($notifications, $username)
                        return $username->email.' has ' . count($notifications) . ' new notifications to a photo';

//resolve this notification - call the specify callback defined in mapper
//we need to call this to 
$resolver = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Resolver\Resolver', array($mapper));

//get all notifications for $notificable object 
//which we've been instantiated before
$repo = App::make('Softservlet\Notification\Repositories\NotificableRepositoryInterface', $notificable);
$notifications = $repo->get(); //get all notifications from $notificable user object

//resolve all notifications for $notificable object
//result will be an array of rendered notifications
$result = $resolver->resolve($notifications, $notificable);