
Simple event/hook system. Suited for all types of PHP projects.

v0.1.0 2023-05-04 16:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-04 19:28:22 UTC


The Socarrat event library contains the base for your event dispatchers. It aims to be quick and simple, as well as flexible and extensible at the same time.


You can install this package through Composer by running composer require socarrat/events. The library will be available under the Socarrat\Events namespace.


The thing this package is all about, are events.

Imagine you're on a little boat at open sea, and you have no idea where you are. Luckily, you have some flares. They have been seen by a nearby ship, and you're rescued.

This getting-lost is the mehaphor for an event: some kind of situation arises. When you lightened the flares, you fired or dispatched the event. Thanks to hooks or event listeners that have been set, the smoke has been noticed. The action (rescue) is executed when the callback of the event listener (the person who had saw you calling for help) is executed.


Creating an event

In order to create an event, you need to extend the abstract Event class. It's important that you override the $listeners property.

For example:

use Socarrat\Events\Event;

class YourCustomEvent extends Event {
	static protected array $listeners;

Nothing more is needed! Of course, you can extend the event to have custom methods and properties.

Listening to the event

To register an event listener, you have to call the on method. The closure is called every time the event is dispatched.

The first parameter is the sort order. Hooks with a lower order are called earlier. This method returns the index that has been assigned to the hook. It may be higher than the index you provided. In that case, the previous index/es were alreaty occupied.

YourCustomEvent::on(1, function() {
	echo "Hi!";

Dispatching the event

Call the dispatch method to dispatch an event:


The parameters you pass to this method are passed to all event listeners, so that you can provide context-specific information.


abstract class Socarrat\Events\Event

static protected $listeners

An array of event listeners (closures) to call when the event is dispatched.

It's important that you override this in your own implementation!

static function getName(): string

Returns the name of the event.

static function on(int $priority, $callback): int

Registers an event listener for the current event. Returns the index that has been assigned to the listener.

static function dispatch(...$callbackData)

Dispatches the event. This executes all registered callbacks in order, passing optional callback data to them.

Warning: this is a blocking function; it will stop execution until all callbacks have finished. Callbacks are executed synchronously.


(c) 2023 Romein van Buren. Licensed under the MIT license.

For the full copyright and license information, please view the file that was distributed with this source code.