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Variables in array

4.1.0 2021-06-14 14:18 UTC


Variables in array.

Additional provides module for Laminas for configurations.


Sometimes you want to use same values in other places in your config. What are you doing?

$myIp = '';
return [
    'db' => $myIp,
    'memcache' => $myIp,

Of course it's working, but when you want to share $myIp between separate config files thats challange! ZfSnapVarConfig make a magic here!

$data = [
    'ips' => [
        'local' => '',
        'memcache' => '',
        'smtp' => ''
    'email' => new ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Env('ADMIN_EMAIL'),
    'db' => ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path::fromString('ips/local'),
    'memcache' => ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path::fromString('ips|memcache', '|'),
    'email' => [
        'smtp' => ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path::fromArray(['ips', 'smtp']),
        'default-mail' => ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path::fromString('email'),
        'reply-to' => ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path::fromString('email'),
        'other-address' => new ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path('ips', 'smtp'),

$service = new ZfSnapVarConfig\VarConfigService();
$replaced = $service->replace($data); // or $service($data);

    'ips' => [
        'local' => '',
        'memcache' => '',
        'smtp' => ''
    'email' => '',
    'db' => '',
    'memcache' => '',
    'email' => [
        'smtp' => '',
        'default-mail' => '',
        'reply-to' => '',
        'other-address' => '',
], $replaced);

On this moment you can use selectors:

  • ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Path
  • ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Env
  • ZfSnapVarConfig\Value\Callback

You can write your own value manipulator. Just implement ZfSnapVarConfig\Value and create instance in your config.

How to install?

Via composer.json

composer require snapshotpl/zf-snap-var-config

If you want to use this library as Laminas module add ZfSnapVarConfig to your application.config.php file.