
LDAP Query library - helps with querying/authenticating against LDAP/AD

v2.0.2 2024-02-27 17:42 UTC



This software is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license



  • LdapQuery\Contracts\Backend - handles setting up defaults for the connection and returning query results, uses LdapQuery\Contracts\Client and LdapQuery\Contracts\Result
  • LdapQuery\Contracts\Builder - query builder, uses LdapQuery\Contracts\Filter to create backend specific query/filter
  • LdapQuery\Contracts\Client - proxy to actual ldap_ functions (or whatever the lower level backend is)
  • LdapQuery\Contracts\Model - simple object to represent ldap entry, returned from LdapQuery\Contracts\Result
  • LdapQuery\Contracts\Result - uses LdapQuery\Contracts\Builder to create a form that is useful to LdapQuery\Contracts\Client and returns the result from the client in LdapQuery\Contracts\Model form
  • LdapQuery\Contracts\Filter - used by LdapQuery\Contracts\Builder to set up the possible filters

LdapQuery\Opinionated\ActiveDirectory is an example of how the LdapQuery can be wired for AD. It can all be done manually or through DI as well.


$o = new ActiveDirectory([
  'host' => '',
$lq = $o->getLdapQuery();
if ($lq->authenticate('user', 'password')) {
  //do something when the user is successfully authenticated
$user = $lq->findUser('user');
$another = $lq->one('uid', 'some_user');
$many = $lq->many('l', 'some_location');