
PHP SDK for's Import API

0.2.1 2021-02-12 02:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-12 10:57:44 UTC


PHP SDK for's Import API.


This is a Composer library, and can be installed with composer require. The current release is ^0.1

composer require sminnee/stitchdata-php:^0.1


new StitchApi(string $clientId, string $accessToken)

The Sminnee\StitchData\StitchApi class provides access to the API. Its constructor takes 2 arguments, which are described in the Import API documentation.

use Sminnee\StitchData\StitchApi;
$api = new StitchApi(getenv('STITCHDATA_CLIENT_ID'), getenv('STITCHDATA_ACCESS_TOKEN'));

StitchApi::validate(array $data = null, $includeClientId = true)

Validates that the connection is working and that your credentials are correct.

  • Validates the content ($data) of a request. It must be an array of maps.
  • If $data is omitted, a dummy request will be provided, including the client ID
  • If $includeClientId is true, then a client_id property will be added to every record in data, unless it is already specified.
// Throws an exception if there's an issue with our connection

StitchApi::pushRecords(string $tableName, array $keyNames, iterable $records, int $batchSize = 100, ?callable $onBatchSent = null)

Pushes a number of records to the API in 1 or more batches.

  • $tableName is the name of the table in your data warehouse that you wnat StitchData to create and/or write to. It will populate table_name in requests to the API.
  • $keyNames is an array of record keys that you want to collectively use are your primary key. It will populate key_names in requests to the API.
  • $records is an array or iterator of records, where each record is a map. This is the data to upsert.
  • $batchSize, which defaults to 100, is the maximum number of records ot include in a single API request.
  • $onBatchSent, a callback that will be called, passing an array of all sent records, once per successful API call. This can be especially helpful when passing a generator for the data, as you can make subsequent use of the data without separately iterating on it.

The Data types you can use are determined by the Transit library's default type mapping. Notably, you should use Datetime objects to represents dates/times.

// Push 2 records to the StitchData, upserting in your data warehouse, and creating the test_peopel table if needed
    [' id' ],
            "id" => 1,
            "first_name" => "Sam",
            "last_name" => "Minnee",
            "num_visits" => 3,
            "date_last_visit" => new Datetime("2018-06-26"),
            "id" => 2,
            "first_name" => "Ingo",
            "last_name" => "Schommer",
            "num_visits" => 6,
            "date_last_visit" => new Datetime("2018-06-27"),

StitchApi::apiCall($subUrl, $data, $includeClientId = true)

Raw call to the StitchData REST API. Where possible we recommend that you use the above methods, but this allows for accessing new API behaviour not yet supported the SDK.

Sequence generation

Sequence IDs are an important part of interacting with the API. pushRecords() automatically generates sequence IDs by the following mechanism.

  • The first request will use a sequence ID of time() * 1000.
  • Subquent requests will use the greater of sequence ID + 1 or time() * 1000.

If you wish to manually generate your own sequnce IDs you have to use the apiCall method instead, but please raise a github issue describing your use-case!