
Laravel user notification package

v0.1.4 2015-10-01 15:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:19:10 UTC




  • Attached object
  • Type's with templates
  • Access to Obj propierties and relations on templates
  • Callback by type to define wich users must receive the notification

Installation & configuration

With composer:

    $ composer require smartsoftware/l4-notifier

Publish config file:

    $ php artisan view:publish smartsoftware/l4-notifier

Run migrations

    $ php artisan migrate --package='smartsoftware/l4-notifier'

Edit config file:


return array(
     * User Model
    'user_model' => 'User',
     * get_users id's by notification type for batch notifications
    'get_users' => [
         * @param int     $type    Notification type id
         * @param mixed   $obj     Attached Object
         * @param int     $sender  User id of notification
        '1' => function($type, $obj, $sender) {
            return [11,12]; // User 11 and 12 will recive notifications of type 1
        '2' => function($type, $obj, $sender) {
            $users = User::whereHas('roles', function($q) {
                $q->where('name', 'someRole');
            return $users; // User with role someRole will recive notifications of type 2

Add trait to user model:

use Smartsoftware\L4Notifier\NotifiedTrait;

class User extends Eloquent {

        use NotifiedTrait;


Create a notification type:

To create a notification we use l4notifier:createtype command

    l4notifier:createtype subject [body] [url]

    subject               Notification Subject.
    body                  Notification Body.
    url                   Notification URL.
php artisan l4notifier:createtype "#{} Ticket closed" "The ticket #{} was closed by {}" "{}"

The avaiable object for templates are:

obj:  the attached object (eloquent)
from: sender user
to:   receiver user

You could access to obj propierties like this


Sending notifications

To send a notification to a single user

    $ticket = Ticket::find(10);

Send a notification to multiple users:

use Smartsoftware\L4Notifier\BatchNotification;

    $ticket = Ticket::find(10);
    $users = [1,4,5,110,22];
    BatchNotification::notify($users, 1, $obj, $sender_user->id);

Retrieving notifications

Get current user notificatons

    $user = Auth::user();
    $notifications = $user->notifications()