
GpsNose web-integration package - You can use the login, real geo-data and nearby anonymous communication from the GpsNose platform in your web-site.

v1.2.4 2025-01-18 08:21 UTC


Welcome to the GpsNose web-integration package ;-)!

You can use the login, real geo-data and nearby anonymous communication from the GpsNose platform in your web-site.

Please, check the developer's manual with code-samples and HowTos available here:


  • Your web-users can enter the web-community of your website ( or a sub-community (
  • Your otherwise virtual users are immediately real geo-enabled, can communicate in real-world and real-time also outside your web.
  • The data your users generate are available at your website, such as users, PoIs, events, tracks..
  • This SDK contains the most useful web-wrappers for the underlying GpsNose.SDK framework API calls
  • You can make your own web-modules as you like, using the GpsNose.SDK or writing your own one


For end-users

For devs

How to integrate

Read the basic usage on the GpsNose WIKI

The SDK is used in the TYPO3 plugin, you may use this as an example and a how to...

Caching in PHP

In PHP there is another implementation for Cache then in C#. The default implemantation is memcache, if your server has installed this extension, you have to tell the SDK where to find the Server:

\GpsNose\SDK\Framework\GnCache::$MemcacheServer = '';
\GpsNose\SDK\Framework\GnCache::$MemcachePort = '11211';

Implementing own Cache-Handler

Find an example here how to implement an own Cache-Handler

You have to implement the "\GpsNose\SDK\Framework\IGnCacheHandler" Interface of this SDK

To initiate the new created Cache handler, you have to set the Cache-Handler:

\GpsNose\SDK\Framework\GnCache::$CacheHandler = new \your\namespace\GnCacheHandler();

Change crypt-password

Here is how to set an own password:

\GpsNose\SDK\Framework\GnCryptor::$pass = 'my-crypt-password';