
Accelerator to communicate with the Internal API

2.0.0 2015-08-20 13:32 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 18:04:32 UTC


An accelerator to communicate with © API to manage Lead Relations

Installation and usage with Composer

Add the following to your composer.json file in order to fetch the latest stable version of the project:

    "require": {
        "smarkio/smarkio-api-client": "*"

Then, in order to use the accelerator on your own PHP file, add the following:

require '[COMPOSER_VENDOR_PATH]/autoload.php';


  • src/Smarkio/API - Code to interact with the Smarkio Internal API.
  • examples/ - Some examples on how to use this accelerator.

Before you start

You need to obtain one API token to use the API. This token is bound to each user of the system details.


Create a Lead Relation

$api_token = 'YOUR API TOKEN HERE';
$my_smarkio_url = 'YOUR SMARK.IO URL HERE';

//The ID of the first lead of the relation
$originId = '359680';

//The ID of the second lead of the relation
$destinyId = '359670';

//Slug of the relation type
$type = 'family';

//Operation of the API, in this case to create a Lead Relation
$operation = 'add';

// create Relation
$relation = new Relation($originId, $destinyId, $type, $api_token);

// send the request
$response = $relation->send($operation,$my_smarkio_url);

Delete a Lead Relation

$api_token = 'YOUR API TOKEN HERE';
$my_smarkio_url = 'YOUR SMARK.IO URL HERE';

//The ID of the first lead of the relation
$originId = '359680';

//The ID of the second lead of the relation
$destinyId = '359670';

//Slug of the relation type
$type = 'family';

//Operation of the API, in this case to delete a Lead Relation
$operation = 'delete';

// create Relation
$relation = new Relation($originId, $destinyId, $type, $api_token);

// send the request
$response = $relation->send($operation,$my_smarkio_url);

Get a Lead by ID

$api_token = 'YOUR API TOKEN HERE';
$my_smarkio_url = 'YOUR SMARK.IO URL HERE';

// The id of the lead
$my_lead_id = 36;

$lead_api = new \Smarkio\API\LeadAPI($api_token, $my_smarkio_url);
$lead = $lead_api->getLead($my_lead_id);

Search Leads

$api_token = 'YOUR API TOKEN HERE';
$my_smarkio_url = 'YOUR SMARK.IO URL HERE';

$lead_api = new \Smarkio\API\LeadAPI($api_token, $my_smarkio_url);

// Parameters to filter the Search
// If null use defaults
$parameters = array(
    'id_min'               => null, // eg: 123
    'id_max'               => null, // eg: 999
    'creation_date_min'    => null, // eg: '2015-07-01'
    'creation_date_max'    => null, // eg: '2015-07-31'
    'integration_date_min' => null, // eg: '2015-07-01'
    'integration_date_max' => null, // eg: '2015-07-31'
    'limit'                => null, // eg: 100
    'offset'               => null  // eg: 0

// Get the paginated results
$paginated_leads = $lead_api->searchLead($parameters);
$continue_processing = true;

// Get all the pages
while ($continue_processing) {
    $leads = $paginated_leads->getLeads();

    // Do something with the leads ...

    $continue_processing = $paginated_leads->hasNext();
    if ( $continue_processing ) {
        // Get the next results
        $paginated_leads = $paginated_leads->next();