
Manage your translation in the correct way with Laravel. Export and import to another formats, do things in most used frontend Frameworks and more!.

dev-master 2020-02-08 22:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 07:50:04 UTC


Store your translation files in different formats (database, json, js, xml, php ) with a single command.

We know it, Laravel is very powerfull and the titan in Php Frameworks; however, some consistence in it is very squishy, for example, Translations.

You have a single files for translations and you can edit it simply and faster, but... When you make a SPA ? Vue app? Where stay a robust interface to manage translations? This is the start of the problem.

We create an easy commands to manipulate translations in different formats and generated a simple class (Vanilla JS and Vue.js at the moment) to load it in frontend apps.

Thats is all, format conversions and single functions to translate in front, who needs more with Laravel?

Another "db translations" for Laravel?

No, never.

Some libraries (well, the vast majority) offers to you a bridge to use Db in Translations (in some cases it will replaces Laravel translation) + any loader + some things and bumb: another db translations library.

We offers next level of "comfort" : Manage all the translations of you need and enjoy all the "things" to do with that.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require sluy/laravel-translation

You could publish migrations, configuration and translations for views with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sluy\LaravelTranslation\LaravelTranslationServiceProvider"


With some configurations (or none in many cases) you can perform all package functions:

<?php return [
    // Determines if language will be autodetected on request.
    // If this option are enabled it will use 'Accept-Language' http header
    // to lookup. 
    'autodetect_language' => true,
    // An array with package drivers.
    'drivers' => [
        // Db driver: Store/Retrieve data from Database.
        'db' => [
            'class' => Sluy\LaravelTranslation\Drivers\Common\DbDriver::class,
            'location' => 'translations', // Default table to work
            'connection' => null, // null for default connection
        // Php driver: Store/Retrieve data from default Laravel php location files.
        'php' => [
            'class' => Sluy\LaravelTranslation\Drivers\Common\PhpDriver::class,
            'location' => resource_path('lang'),
        // JS driver: Store/Retrieve data in Js Modules format. Common of VanillaJs/VueJS
        // apps works with this
        'js' => [
            'class' => Sluy\LaravelTranslation\Drivers\Common\JsDriver::class,
            'location' => storage_path('laravel_translation/lang/js'),
            // determines if will generate index.js files when store/delete items
            'generate_index' => true,
             // determines if npm will reload files when store/delete items
            'npm_reload' => true,
        // Json driver: Store/Retrieve data in JSON format. You can perform, for example,
        // remote fetches of translations.
        'json' => [
            'class' => Sluy\LaravelTranslation\Drivers\Common\JsonDriver::class,
            'location' => storage_path('laravel_translation/lang/json'),
        // Xml driver: Store/Retrieve data in XML format. Yes, we know, XML doesnt seems
        // like a "popular" format, but it have too!.
        'xml' => [
            'class' => Sluy\LaravelTranslation\Drivers\Common\XmlDriver::class,
            'location' => storage_path('laravel_translation/lang/xml'),


Importing/Exporting translations

Common way to generate translations in multiple formats. Basically from one formato to another format, thats is all.

php artisan laravel-translation:import {src_driver} {dst_driver} --locale=  --dst_location= --src_location=

Basically, we have this:

name required
dst_driver Name of destination driver. yes
src_driver Name of source driver. yes
locale Locales to export (separated with comma). If this value doesnt setted, it will export all languages. no
dst_location Location of Destination driver data. If this value doesnt setted, it will take automatically location setted for the driver in config/laravel-translation.php file. no
src_location Location of Source driver data. If this value doesnt setted, it will take automatically location setted for the driver in config/laravel-translation.php file. no


php artisan laravel-translation:import {db} {php} --locale=es,en --dst_location=my_custom_translations src_location=/my_custom_folder/php  

It will import PHP files in /my_custom_folder/php to Database table called my_custom_translations.

Destroying translations

You can destroy any translation resource exporting alike:

php artisan laravel-translation:destroy {driver} -locale=  --location=

Basically, we have this:

name required
driver Name of driver. yes
locale Locales to delete (separated with comma). If this value doesnt setted, it will delete all languages resources from driver. no
location Location of driver resources. If this value doesnt setted, it will take automatically location setted for the driver in config/laravel-translation.php file. no


php artisan laravel-translation:destroy {json} --locale=es --location=/my_custom_folder/json  

It will destroy es locales in /my_custom_folder/json.

GUI Administration

Our package includes all in one GUI to do all command things (and a little bit more) with a graphical interface.

Adding views

You can and GUI views with artisan command:

php artisan laravel-translation:views {format} --rewrite=true/false
name description required
format Format of view markup. You can set as:
html : Standalone GUI Version. It includes bootstrap markup included with cdn source.
bootstrap: Uses laravel ui boostrap templates. Extends app.layout automatically.
rewrite Determines if view files will be rewriten if exists. Default false no

GUI Views are stored in resources/vendor/laravel-translation path and resets Laravel View Cache automatically.


php artisan laravel-translation:views html --rewrite=true  

Adding routes

To add package routes type in your project root:

php artisan laravel-translation:routes

It will add all needed routes to your web.php and api.php

If you want to deploy web or api routes only, you can define only optional parameter:

php artisan laravel-translation:routes --only=web #only deploys "web" routes

php artisan laravel-translation:routes --only=api #only deploys "api" routes

Web Manager

Driver Management

laravel-translation/drivers route will show all administrative topics for your defined drivers


Basically, it show available drivers in boxes with:

  • Driver name
  • Driver info
  • Location of "store" resource
  • Current loaded locales (with x control to remove module locale translations)
  • Actions
    • import : Open import interface.
    • clear: To remove all translations.

Importing Data

laravel-translation/drivers/{driver} route will allow to import translations to current {driver}.


First of all, you will need to choose if you want an importation from another driver or an upload.

From another Driver


After choosing Another Driver option, it will show you another necessary controls:

  • Source: Defines source driver to import data.
  • Locales: Check desired locales to import.
From upload

Yes, you can upload translations from your computer!


When you pick Upload options, it will needs to fill:

  • Source: Source format (aka driver) of upload.
  • File to upload: A zip file with all the translations structure. Translation structure is the same thing than Laravel translation folder resources/lang.


Javascript Helper

You can add a simple helper to translate directly in Javascript (very usefull in SPA development):

php artisan laravel-translation:helpers js --bootstrap=true/false

boostrap option will determines if you want to add automatically helper in resources/js/bootstrap.js file. By default their value is false.

After typing javascript helper installer command (and added it in bootstrap) you can easily translate words:

__('your.keyword', {replace1: 'value1', replace2: 'value2', ...});

VueJS Extension

We does not forgot lovely VueJS framework. You can add VueJS helper with command:

First at all, you need to install Javascript Helper to works with Vue Extension:

php artisan laravel-translation:helpers js --bootstrap=true

After that, install Vue Extension :

php artisan laravel-translation:helpers vue --bootstrap=true/false

As in previous case, boostrap option will determines if you want to add automatically helper in resources/js/bootstrap.js file. By default their value is false.

After installing VueJS helper, you can use translations inside templates:


Or inside logic definition:

export default {
	mounted () {

Additionally, VueJS Extension injects a directive to translate directly in your templates:

        <div v-trans="'your.keyword'"></div>
        <!-- or... -->
        <div trans>your.keyword</div>

Additional Notes

Give Right privileges to Driver files/folders location

Remember to provide read/write access to driver or it will fires access errors.

For example with PHP Driver:

sudo chown -R youruser:www-data resources/lang
sudo chmod -R 775 resources/lang


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.