
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Makes it easy to re-use your tests as usage examples by enabling you to annotate lines with specialized comments for skipping or swapping.

1.1 2012-02-08 17:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:20:08 UTC


The purpose of writing tests should be two-fold: (a) To test the source code, and (b) to provide instruction for how to use the source code. Tests written from an instructionary point-of-view are a great way to both teach and test, but sometimes there are bits of code that are necessary for testing, but aren't necessary for instruction.

Examplify! makes it easy to re-use your tests as usage examples by enabling you to annotate lines with specialized comments for skipping or swapping.

  • example |igˈzampəl| (verb) be illustrated or exemplified : the extent of Allied naval support is exampled by the navigational specialists provided.
  • exemplify |igˈzempləˌfī| (verb) be a typical example of : give an example of; illustrate by giving an example.
  • amplify |ˈampləˌfī| (verb) enlarge upon or add detail to (a story or statement) : the notes amplify information contained in the statement.

And yes, the exclamation point is part of the name. :)


Using this sample file as your input:

use Skyzyx\Components\Examplify;

$file = file_get_contents('sample.php');
$example = new Examplify($file);
echo $example->output();

This would display the following:

// Instantiate object
$s3 = new AmazonS3();
$rfc2616 = $s3->util->konst($s3->util, 'DATE_FORMAT_RFC2616');

$version_id = (string) $s3->get_object('bucket', 'filename', array(
	'versionId' => 'abc999',

$version_id = (string) $s3->get_object('bucket', 'filename', array(
	'versionId' => 'abc123',
	'secret_code' => '123456'

$response = $s3->copy_object('bucket', 'filename', array(
	'fishsticks1' => 'true',
	'fishsticks2' => 'false'

$more_code = $s3->get_object('bucket', 'filename.ext');


All Examplify! comments start with /*# (a fairly uncommon, but still perfectly valid comment pattern).


  • /*#skip*/ - Skip the entire line that this comment is on.
  • /*#skip-start*/ - Skip the entire line that this comment is on (e.g., you can place it at the end of a line), and continue skipping all lines until /*#skip-end*/ is reached.
  • /*#skip-end*/ - See above.


  • /*#swap:{"string" : "replacement"}*/ - Swap the string with the replacement in a given line. After swap:, you should have a valid, single-level JSON object.
  • /*#swap-start:{"string" : "replacement"}*/ - Swap the string with the replacement in a given line, and continue swapping in all lines until /*#swap-end*/ is reached. After swap-start:, you should have a valid, single-level JSON object.
  • /*#swap-end*/ - See above.


  • /*#block:["string1", "string2"]*/ - Blocks all lines containing the strings in the entire document.


Install source from GitHub

To install the source code:

git clone git://

And include it in your scripts:

require_once '/path/to/examplify/src/Examplify.php';

Install with Composer

If you're using Composer to manage dependencies, you can add Examplify with it.

	"require": {
		"skyzyx/examplify": ">=1.1"

Using a Class Loader

If you're using a class loader (e.g., Symfony Class Loader):

$loader->registerNamespace('Skyzyx\\Components\\Examplify', 'path/to/vendor/examplify/src');


Tests are written in PHPT format. You can run them with either the PEAR Test Runner or with PHPUnit 3.6+.

cd tests/
pear run-tests .


cd tests/
phpunit .

License & Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Ryan Parman. Licensed for use under the terms of the MIT license.